
2009-06-21 11:50 pm

若是右側臥睡的話,豈不是要向前卷曲右肩膀? 我的肩膀比較寬,而且睡的是硬板床,曾經右側臥睡睡了一段時間,使右肩膀有點向前卷曲. 平躺仰臥睡時,有時夜裡會被腰酸弄醒,但我不想右肩膀向前卷曲,所以硬是保持平躺仰臥睡 我該怎麼做? 可以的話請用中文答,有些英文不好理解


我是指"肩膀"横向地向前卷曲,而不是身体弯曲 我的肩膀比较宽,所以弄得锁骨那部位不舒服,以及"肩膀"横向地弯曲

回答 (2)

2009-07-05 6:32 am
✔ 最佳答案


2009-07-01 5:40 am
I am not professional in this field so my answer is only based on my own opinion only. .
I used to 右側臥睡 before but I always twist my waist when sleeping thus I suffered back pain. The proper way of 側臥 is that one should keep the body in a line (not 100% straight but at least not to twist your waist (the left leg crossing the right )while sleeping.
平躺仰臥睡 is OK for one can let one's back lay on the mattress and gain full support from it. If you are not more tired when get up/have more serious back pain/neck pain, your present sleeping posture is right for you. No matter 平躺仰臥睡 or 臥睡 , you will change your posture when you are sleeping. Therefore it doesn't matter.
The only posture is not quite ideal is left 臥睡 for giving extra pressure to our heart.
參考: for your reference

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