
2009-06-21 7:44 pm

我有張信用卡已經被取消左 , 但係信用卡戶口入面重有
700幾蚊 (之前入多左錢) , 我想將入面既錢轉返落普通account
,但係銀行又要我寫封信 . 我無從入手 , 請各大大幫幫忙..


被取消了的信用卡number : aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa
普通戶口number : xxxx xxxxxx

另外, 要交待清楚自己既姓名or其他資料嗎?

回答 (2)

2009-06-21 8:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
這類信件只須要寫清楚給銀行的 instructions 和所有 details, 無須咬文嚼字; 大致可如下:

Dear Sirs,

Please accept this letter as instructions to you to transfer all my outstanding balance under Credit Card No. aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa to my account number: xxxx xxxxxx. If you have any questions to the foregoing kindly call me on my mobile phone No.: xxxx xxxx.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

Yours faithfully,
[Your name]
(Note: signature must be the same as you signed your credit card)

2009-06-22 18:52:01 補充:
outstanding balance can mean amounts in credit or debit. In your case the bank should know it is a credit balance so they will transfer all credit balance (i.e. HK$7xx) to your bank account.

"Excess balance" is not a right term. This $7xx is not excessive !
參考: myself, myself
2009-06-30 9:27 pm
This is an example of your letter to the bank with your transfer instruction.
June xx, 2009
The Manager
XXX Bank
XXX Branch
Dear Sir/Madam,
Account Name: YYYYYY: Credit Card A/C No.aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa ; Bank A/C No. xxxx xxxxxx
With regard to my credit card account No aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa which was closed on xx-xx-xx, there is still an outstanding credit balance of HK$700.
Please accept this letter as my instruction to immediately transfer the said balance to my bank account No. xxxx xxxxxx under notice to me.
Thank you for your attention.
Yours faithfully,

2009-06-30 13:44:42 補充:
Take this letter to the branch where you opened your account.
A bank teller should be able to immediately transfer the credit card balance to your current/saving account upon verification of your signature.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:41:13
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