水松木用乜做? 同點做架?

2009-06-21 10:53 am
水松木用乜做? 同點做架?

e.g. 水松木壁佈板, 紅酒木塞...

回答 (2)

2009-06-24 11:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
水松(cork)是由Cork Oat tree的樹皮而來. 此樹中型size, 是整年長春(evergreen)植物. 而樹皮由Cork Oat tree切割出來, 經製作成水松墊, 水松地板, 壁佈板, 木塞......等, 而樹皮切割下來, Oat tree會再重生出來, 所以水松是環保物料.
2009-06-21 2:28 pm
It s a material from tree. It s skin from the tree. In Portuage produce the most, it takes the market 90%. Have to boil the skin then need to sun dried than, it can make a lot of different shape. Sorry, can't remember how to spell the name of that tree.

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