Anything like Clannad and Toradora?

2009-06-21 4:06 am
Any animes like Clannad and Toradora?

I guess the genre is Romantic Comedy. It must have a happy ending. (Nothing like School Days! lol)

Oh, forgot to add. I'm hoping for the anime to be "modern time." No medieval stuff, etc.

回答 (5)

2009-06-21 5:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
I got a couple that you could consider if you'd like...I love animes like that too....

1.School Rumble
---Tenma Tsukamoto is a 16-year old high school student who is determined to make her feelings known to a certain Ooji Karasuma. The only problem is Karasuma can't seem to notice her, and to make matters worse, a delinquent by the name of Harima Kenji has completely fallen for here as well!!All's fair in love and war! But isn't it also possible to fight for love in a war?! Her friends stir things up into hilarious circumstances, while the other boys get in Kenji's way, until the entire thing is indeed a school rumble!!

Complete comedy, the ending is split into two OVA's, but it is just so FUNNY!! Of course, it goes without saying, romance as well!

2.Fate/Stay Night
--The story circles around Emiya Shirou, a high school student with a job as an amateur mechanic, living a happy contented life...that is until he is dragged into a war between magicians raging for over a century..a war also known as the holy Grail war!! Overnight, he is dragged into a night of fantasy and unexpected love as he unexpectedly summons a servant by the name of Saber. Determined to protect the people he loves, Shirou will do anything to save his friends; especially Saber...

Split in the two genres half-and-half, it is definitely one of the the best animes I have ever watched!! You'll definitely fall in love with Saber too...I know I did...I love here still!!

--Negi Springfield is a ten year old child teacher who gets a job in Japan...His school? An all girls high-school! Its heaven on earth for any boy!! Let alone one who is a magician, with his friends behind him and an annoyingly hilarious ermine on his shoulder, Negi steps into the field to do the things he loves best! Teaching, fighting, and girls!!

Comedy through and through, you'll fall off your seat laughing, and get annoyed as the rivalry between the girls for Negi tear the seams apart, literally!!

4.Ginban Kaleidoscope
--Sakurano Tazusa is an olympic figure skater, trying to earn her way to the Torino Olympics. And Pete Pamps is a professional aviator. On the day of the all-important performance, Tazusa slips and lands hard on the ice, head first. Pete spirals in the air once and his turbine explodes propelling him thousands of feet towards the ground. The plane blows up into a thousand pieces with him still inside at the exact same time Tazusa bangs her head. When Tazusa wakes up, her life takes a surprising turn! A ghost lives inside her and can't leave for the next 100 days!! She has to learn how to cope with a ghost who hates tomatoes, sees and feels the same way she did; and somehow, altogether avoid the feeling she's been harnessing in her heart...

Hilarious!! Especially the parts where Pete suffers while she eats the tomatoes!! Her coach thinks she's turning insane because she keeps talking to herself!!

5.D.C. Da Capo
--Asakura lives with his sister who isn't really his sister at all!! He begins to realize he's fallen for her! But how will that help them both?!

This anime is just plain great, just have to check this out!!

6.Avatar : The Last Airbender
--Not exactly an anime, but one of the best shows I've also watched so far..its got comedy and romance adlibbed everytime!!

Hope I helped you!! These are my tops!!
參考: P.S. I did not copy paste any info from any site nor did I copy anything...I seriously described the anime on my own!!
2009-06-21 11:27 am
School Rumble
To Heart
Boys: BE
Perhaps Suzuka
Perhaps Vision of escaflowne

Now, I am a huge fan of Mahoromatic, but, despite the "happy" ending for the story, in my opinion, it really doesn't count, despite being a 'romantic comedy'
2009-06-21 11:24 am
I know 1..
hehe the one who makes
this anime is the same as
the maker of school days..

well it is a psychological thrilller
but not the same as school days
so its up to you if you want to watch it..
2009-06-22 8:35 am
Zero no Tsukaima is Toradora if you take away the awesome and add in a bunch of fanservice. The characters are basically the same; they just look different. Let me put it this way:
參考: Oh wait, you said you didn't like Medieval stuff.
2009-06-21 11:14 am
Yes, Toradora is.

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