How Much is a Ruger Security Six .357 Six Shot.?

2009-06-20 8:53 pm
between 88-95% condition. 4 inch brrl.

回答 (9)

2009-06-20 9:50 pm
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The early steel models with 70% bluing or better average $275 to $325 at most of the gun shows I see here in the southwest. Stainless models with fixed sights go for $340 to $400, and stainless with adjustable sights run $400 to $475. I saw a couple of blue " never been fired" in the box at a dallas gun show back in March and the owner wanted $500 a piece for them. From the serial numbers they were made in the final year of production. If you have the factory over sized grips, 90% condition and the main spring is not weak you should ask for $375 if its an early model. If its a late model with adjustable sights I'd start at $425. Add $30 for a longer barrel or for the stainless model.
參考: Gunsmith and collector, looked at a current listing at gunbroker, shop gunshows, have two at home.
2009-06-21 5:52 am
A good, solid $350-ish dollars for a stout, dependable gun.
參考: I Own two... and they match! 6in. barrels, blued, both made in 1973. *squeals like giddy schoolgirl*
2009-06-21 4:31 am
Well they stopped prodiction of those awhile back right? I would say $300-$350. I once had a mailman try to sell one to me for $250.
2009-06-21 4:27 am
I saw one new for $450.
2009-06-21 4:25 am
I would not let it go for less than $800

Made from 1972- 1988

I was allso offered a ruger blackhawk for $375 from a guy down the road from me. I bought it and sold it 3mo later for $1700
2009-06-21 7:31 am
They needed some gunsmithing, if purchased unmodified from dealers directly from the factory. The triggers were gritty and lots of hammer rise, both correctable by a good gunsmith. The extractor hands binded in multiple places on the cartridges, but could easily be clearanced by anybody with a chainsaw file and careful patience, and a bottle of cold blue or felt pen used on the cartridges to "show contact". The elevation spring sucked, but the Wolff replacement was fine. Other minor problems were correctable as well. But once everything was adjusted properly, I know of no better 357. Bottom line: the bottom line is highly variable depending on who did how much of how good of work on the piece. Regards, Larry.
2009-06-21 7:18 am
400-450.00 for a honest answer.

I can't see how people are saying 800.00

With wear and 88% about 400.00 for real value.
2009-06-21 6:54 am
This may be off topic but some may find it amusing. Back in the day when that revolver was introduced I purchased a blued, 4 inch barreled one for $165.00 out the door.
2009-06-21 4:56 am
In the condition that you mention, I would pay no more than $225 for one. It sounds like something with a great deal of holster wear.

I had one in 98% condition that I sold for $300 about 2 years ago.

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