
2009-06-20 7:13 pm
A Twist of Fate
John Davis is a player, a green-lighter of gargantuan film budgets, a scion of Hollywood royalty. The proud producer of such movies as The Firm and Doctor Dolittle, Davis has worked with Hollywood's A-list: Tom Cruise, Meg Ryan, Denzel Washington. Even his Los Angeles office is a Tinseltown landmark, located in the gleaming glass tower that Bruce Willis saved from Euro-trash terrorists in Die Hard. The surrounding neighborhood -- erected on what was formerly a studio back lot in Century City -- is awash with famous tenants. ABC, Bear Stearns, and SunAmerica have offices there. So does Warren Christopher, the former secretary of state.
But despite its affluent workforce, Century City is short on fine dining. So when the pangs of hunger interrupt Davis's wheeling and dealing, he usually heads next door to the Century City Shopping Center. On one such excursion in 1996, a woman proffering a tray of plump, warm pretzel pieces accosted him. Davis sampled one -- and became a devotee of Wetzel's Pretzels and a regular patron of that outlet. "A hot, fresh pretzel is my favorite kind of treat," Davis says. "I like things that are healthy and not that fattening. I'd rather have a pretzel than a Krispy Kreme doughnut any day."
Over time Davis's hunger turned into curiosity. "I wondered who owned this company and if I could get a piece of it," he recalls. "It was the classic Warren Buffett-Peter Lynch thing of 'invest in what you know and love.' "


回答 (2)

2009-06-22 2:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
但是,儘管它的富裕勞動力,世紀城市是短暫的美食。因此,當飢餓的痛苦,中斷戴維斯的轉運和處理,他通常元首隔壁世紀城市購物中心。在這樣的一個遊覽項目中, 1996年,一名婦女proffering一盤豐腴,溫暖椒鹽脆餅件搭訕他。戴維斯抽樣1 -並成為愛好者的Wetzel的椒鹽脆餅和經常贊助的電源插座。 “熱點,新的椒鹽脆餅是我最喜歡的一種治療, ”戴維斯說。 “我喜歡的東西是健康而不是育肥。我寧願有椒鹽脆餅比Krispy Kreme的甜甜圈的任何一天。 ”
隨著時間的推移,戴維斯的飢餓變成好奇心。 “我不知道誰擁有這家公司,如果我能得到的一小部分, ”他回憶道。 “這是典型的巴菲特,彼得林奇的事情'投資你所了解和喜愛。 “
參考: Google 翻譯
2009-06-20 7:17 pm
命運轉彎 約翰・迪維斯是球員,綠色輕龐大影片預算,好萊塢皇族的子孫。 驕傲的生產商的這样電影象企業和醫生Dolittle,迪維斯与Hollywood'一起使用; s名單: 湯姆巡航, Meg賴安, Denzel華盛頓。 他的洛杉磯辦公室是Tinseltown地標,位于布魯斯Willis從中歐洲垃圾恐怖分子拯救頑固的閃爍的玻璃塔。 周围的鄰里 -- 架設在什麼以前是一個演播室场地景在世紀城市 -- 是充滿的著名房客。 ABC、Bear Stearns和SunAmerica有辦公室那裡。 因此做沃倫克里斯托弗,前国务卿。但是儘管它的富有勞工,世紀城市是短的在美好用餐。 因此,當饥饿痛苦中斷Davis' 牢牢控制的s,他通常朝向與世紀城市购物中心相鄰。 在1996年在一這樣遊覽,提供的婦女肥滿,溫暖的椒鹽脆餅盤子片與他搭訕。 迪維斯抽樣了一 -- 並且成為了Wetzel'的獻身者; s椒鹽脆餅和那個出口的一位普通贊助人。 " 一個熱,新鲜的椒鹽脆餅是我种喜愛款待, " 迪維斯說。 " 我喜歡是健康的而不是肥胖的事。 I' d比Krispy Kreme多福餅寧可食用一個椒鹽脆餅所有day." 随着时间的推移Davis' s飢餓把变成求知慾。 " 我想知道誰擁有了這家公司,並且,如果我可能得到片斷它, " 他召回。 " 它是'經典沃倫Buffett彼得Lynch事; 投資在什麼您知道和love.' "
參考: 自已

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