Travel in Europe

2009-06-20 11:25 am
I plan to travel in these countries by globl pass(21days) offer by the eurorail..
would anyone help me to see if there are any problems like lack of time to see the countries or not in a convenient way?

Paris (4days)

Around 20K...exclude the air ticket from hk to paris


But anymore recommendation about it? Which part is good...and which part is not good enough?? thanks for your help if you can give me advice in detail!

回答 (3)

2009-06-29 10:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
czech: 我覺得你去完prague之後可以去cesky krumlov,由prague坐火車去大約3hr,呢個town非常靚,可以one-day trip或stay一日,highly recommend! prague有機會既話可以係d church聽concert(有d係免費!),氣氛一流。
swiss: zurich其實無乜好睇,有時間既話不妨去jungfraujoch少女峰或zermatt策馬特睇雪山,無時間既話去lucerne都好正,好靚既一個瑞士風情小鎮。
italy: Roma我覺得3日就夠,記得去埋去vantican梵蒂岡,個教堂真係好靚,星期三去仲可以見到教宗。如果你唔係鍾意買野shopping,可以skip milan改去florence。o係florence既piazza michealangelo睇日落好正。
[email protected]
2009-07-22 6:05 pm
There are some research and information about Tourism Business
2009-06-20 8:37 pm
Basically your plan is not bad~
One day for Prague is quite enough, from my point of view....
maybe you should have a second plan in case you use less time to finish a city, e.g. if you finish Prague in one day, you will have one day extra, where you should go?
or you could follow your original plan to explore more.
參考: my experience

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