If Bruce Lee was alive, how do you think he would fare against the world's top fighters of today?

2009-06-20 5:22 am

回答 (14)

2009-06-20 5:37 am
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I've seen pretty successful strikers in the mma. Cro cop, Lyoto Machida, but yeah these guys strike almost all of the time. The thing is, both of their speed and power only compare to half of Bruce Lee's, definitely his speed. Bruce Lee was in his greatest shape at his prime compared to most mma fighters. I've seen what speed can do for fighters especially the dancing around the opponent. If you recall Faber and Mark Brown 2, Faber danced all over him and Mark Brown could not even hit him like that. If Bruce Lee were to use his dance around strategy going in and out when necessary he could definitely win fights. The only question I had was his ground game but I mean if he's fast enough, he wont get caught in a takedown or even if he was on the ground he could probably just scramble out as fast as possible using his speed. I'd say he would do phenomenal if not great.

Oh and Bruce lee would compete in Pride and WEC, not UFC.

Contrary to what people are saying about how Bruce Lee is not a master in a style, well he did train under Grandmaster Ip man for Wing Chun.

Add that to his boxing experience, fencing, his street fighting history, his super strong and fast kicks, his fast hands, his dancing experience, his physical condition overall, and you get a powerful fast guy circling his opponent and going in like an eagle when necessary to attack its target.
2009-06-20 5:29 am
i think against a high-er end mma fighter not so well
2009-06-20 5:25 am
The world's top fighters would be on their knees begging bruce lee to stop thrashing them.
2009-06-20 5:30 am
Sensei Lee would kick butt and take names even today. He was not trained in only a single style of fighting, but in many including jeet-kune-do, tae kwan do and many others.
Lee was a superb athlete and would still be able to defend himself against many opponents.
None of the world's top fighters can do what Lee can do with the martial arts.
My vote is for Bruce Lee hands down.
2009-06-20 7:17 am
He would get beaten up
And that's real boys and girls. Thumbs down away as I've attacked your delusions
2009-06-20 7:04 am
The worlds top fighters are like Harvard graduates while Bruce Lee is like Einstein. He would embarrass them with ease.
2009-06-20 6:06 am
Bruce Lee never was never a professional fighter, he never was a master of any style just the one he invented, anyone can be the master of the own style they invent (JKD) and Bruce Lee jumped from martial art from martial art and never had enough time to achieve mastery. Bruce Lees ground and submission defense was very limited. Bruce Lee was primaraly an actor, and he did some semi-pro boxing in his country when he was in school. He never risked his body and well being againts other professional fighters like todays MMA fighters do he never put his life on the line againts other top tier martial artists even though there is many stories saying he did, there is no proof, or footage. Bruce Lee could not stick his fingers through steel, he could not crack wall nuts with his ***, and even if he could that does not mean who could win a fight. But Bruce Lee fans rather listen to folklore than logic so yeah Bruce Lee would totally kick every ones *** in the ufc!!!

If you fans want to worship a REAL warrior and martial arts pioneer , know this man, he really IS what Hollywood glamed up Bruce Lee to be.
2009-06-20 10:33 am
in his top days probably pretty well.

contrary to what some may believe he was a pretty experienced fighter who fought both in boxing tournaments and local free fights in Hong Kong. his dedication to training was second to none and I don't think I know of any fighter alive or dead that could match the speed of that man. He could truly move faster than the human eye could see. not many people can say that.
2009-06-20 5:26 am
He'd probably still kick Jackie Chan's butt.
2009-06-21 6:37 am
Fedor would quickly retire. GSP would "move up in weight" to avoid Lee, while Machida would get manhandled, as well as Anderson Silva. Rampage would go to "Affliction" & B.J. Penn would be stupid enough to say "I can beat this man" & get mauled to death. Meanwhile...Couture's "anomaly career" would come to an "abrupt stop", Brock Lesnar would go back to the WWE in order to "protect" himself. Mir would just get handled because he would actually "Coach" against Lee in TUF 11 & talk smack. And finally Joe Rogan would get crippled because he wanted to "train with Bruce."
'Nuff Said.
參考: =)
2009-06-20 6:13 am
bruce lee would smoke 'em, as he states in 1 minute or less,
(Lee's book Jeet Kun Do)

because while the other fighters will fight with what they've been taught bruce lee will "adapt" because he is not under any one style.

he would not allow himself to be taken down, he would not get draw into a brawl because he is too inteligent.

bruce is was not an emotional fighter, he was an inteligent.

and if you ever read any of his books, you'll understand.

Bruce Lee
Would be King of the Cage, in all weigth classes, against anyone.
2009-06-20 5:36 am
Well, he was a good athelete and had an almost unmatched work ethic. I would say he was a harder worker than Dan Gable.

That said, if he had access to today's training methods/knowledge I think he would be a top world fighter in his weight class.

However if you're talking about Bruce Lee of the 70s fighting against someone much bigger and with modern training like Kazushi Sakuraba or Wanderlei Silva, than it could go either way. Bruce would probably lose due to the weight disadvantage.
2009-06-20 5:27 am
if he were still young, and still training hard everyday. he would do well in his weight class.
2009-06-20 5:44 am
Bruce Lee would own the lightweight division in the UFC and BJ Penn would cry like a little b*tch

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