IELTS Writing+Speaking問題

2009-06-20 4:18 am
我想知ielts writing有冇限字數? 寫多過佢個minimum好多會唔會扣分?
可唔可以簡介下speaking 3 part 係做d咩? 有冇group discussion?

回答 (2)

2009-06-20 8:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Q: Ielts writing有冇限字數???
A: Task 1: (20 minutes, 150 words)

This task will require you to interpret a diagram or table, and present the information in your own words. The writing skills needed for this task are:

Organise, present and possibly compare data
e.g. money people spend on different forms of entertainment.
Describe stages of a procedure or process
e.g. the stages of human evolution
Describe on object or event or series of events
e.g. How the water cycle works
Explain how something works
e.g. How a car engine works
Task 2: (40 minutes, 250 words)

In this task you will be presented with a point of view or argument or problem. The writing skills needed for this task are:

Present and justify an opinion
e.g. Do you think trial by jury should be used in all criminal cases?
Compare and contrast evidence, opinions and implications
e.g. How effective is it to reward good work with extra money?
Evaluate and challenge ideas, evidence or an argument
e.g. "Failure shows desire wasn't strong enough". To what extent do you agree?
Q: 寫多過佢個maximum好多會唔會扣分?
A: 是會的,最好不能超過50字。
Q: 可唔可以簡介下speaking 3 part 係做d咩?
A: 可以。
IELTS Speaking : Suggested Questions : Part 1
Part 2 : Topic card
Part 3 : Suggested Topics
Q: 有冇group discussion?
A: 是沒有的。
參考: 腦袋和他人經驗
2009-06-20 11:22 pm
1 .Speak the passage.
2.Speak what in the picture
3. Your Teacher ask your questions.You answer your teacher
(This is my school speaking exam 3part)

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