怎樣徹底format個hard disk

2009-06-20 3:33 am
怎樣徹底format個hard disk?就算用一D recovery 嘅software 都還原唔到。

回答 (2)

2009-07-02 3:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
怎樣徹底format個hard disk?就算用一D recovery 嘅software 都還原唔到。
最穩陣係用 .....winxp 裝機碟>>>>>>format. ..........

裝機竅門係>>當format完磁碟 c 之後...電腦會自動
重新啟動>>>>>這時候要立刻關機>>並取出 XP 碟.......
2009-06-20 5:19 am
For home user, you may need to low-level format 6-7 times your hardisk and remove the screw, try to physical damaged the Disc inside. Than, this is not easy to receovery from 3rd party software.
If you can spend $,..suggest you can bring your hardisk to do Demangnetization 磁化...

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