
2009-06-19 10:10 pm
12 ung bukas ng parl0r kng sbi k0 nga sau pgbukas sna parlOr andOn kana kc f 5 persOn na andOn dka na ntertain paunat kc u my maleta ka na ba? hehe yan ang uwi na rush

回答 (4)

2009-06-19 11:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
the parlor will open at 12 and I said when the parlor opens I wish that you are already there because if there are already five persons there they cannot enetertain you anymore because you're going to have a hair relax. Do you have a luggage already? Hehe... that's going home in a rush.

2009-06-19 15:35:19 補充:
enetertain should be entertain


2009-06-19 15:38:10 補充:
luggage change to travelling bag
2009-06-22 9:19 pm
the parlor will open at 12 and I said when the parlor opens I wish that you are already there because if there are already five persons there they cannot enetertain you anymore because you're going to have a hair relax. Do you have a luggage already? Hehe... that's going home in a rush.

12雄明天parl0r kng機構k0雅秀pgbukas SNA的客廳安燈假名陳家樓5人誰安燈dka這架KC ntertain paunat 我的手提箱嗎?合閆娜急於李安西印度群島大學
參考: ME
2009-06-21 6:30 pm

12雄明天parl0r kng機構k0雅秀pgbukas SNA的客廳安燈假名陳家樓5人誰安燈dka這架KC ntertain paunat ü我的手提箱嗎?合閆娜急於李安西印度群島大學。


12 ung tomorrow parl0r kng sbi k0 nga sau pgbukas SNA parlor andOn kana kc f 5 person who andOn dka that ntertain paunat kc u my suitcase you? hehe yan ang uwi na rush.
參考: google
2009-06-20 12:03 am
中文:12雄明天parl0r kng機構k0雅秀pgbukas SNA的客廳安燈假名陳家樓5人誰安燈dka這架KC ntertain paunat ü我的手提箱嗎?合閆娜急於李安西印度群島大學

英文:12 ung tomorrow parl0r kng sbi k0 nga sau pgbukas SNA parlor andOn kana kc f 5 person who andOn dka that ntertain paunat kc u my suitcase you? hehe yan ang uwi na rush


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