2009-06-19 9:04 am
請看看下列( )內的adj有沒有用錯..謝謝

1) Mary is very (interest) in dogs. She thinks watching dogs is (interesting). One day she found a lovely dog in Sai Kung. She was (excited) and took photos of it.

2) Kelly felt (bore) yestersay. She went to see a movie but the movie was so (bored) that she fell asleep.

回答 (4)

2009-06-19 10:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
你這兩條題目都是 verb + ing 或 + ed 變成 adjective 的問題, 要解答先要明白什麼時候+ ing, 什麼時候+ ed.

verb + ing 是用於表示某事物或某人給別人的感覺,
例如 This book is very interesting. 這本書(令人覺得)很有趣.

verb + ed 是表示某人對某事物或其他人的感覺,
例如 I am interested in this book. 我對這本書感到興趣.

因此, 你的問題解答如下:
1. interested, interesting, excited.
2. bored, boring.
參考: 我是老師
2009-06-24 10:02 am
002 解釋很詳細!

您自稱是老師 , 那可不可以前往參觀我的 Blog , 給一些意見 , 關於文章的! 例如 Grammartical mistakes, sentence structure, organization...
2009-06-19 7:23 pm
你好,我个人觉得 paros 解释得很好,既然已经有解答者给你答案了,所以我只想你看看以下的参考资料,里面有关于你以上的问题。

虽然我那时没被选为最佳解答,也希望能帮到你咯。。。: )
2009-06-19 9:06 am
1) interested , correct , correct

2) bored , boring
參考: ME

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