
2009-06-19 8:08 am
All of the students _________ fun ________basketball.
A.had, to play
B.were, playing
C.had, playing
D.were, to play
我 不知該怎麼選,因為我記得had使役動詞後接原形動詞,

謝謝大家,我得到好多知識! 真好!

回答 (4)

2009-06-19 10:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
All of the students _________ fun ________basketball.
C.had, playing
Cambridge University Press/ Grammar In Use/ Intermediate U65(劍橋大學所出的文法書)
When two things happen at the same time, you can use -ing for one of the verbs
We also use -ing when one action happens during another action. We use -ing for the longer action. The longer action is the second part of the sentence.
All of the students had fun.
All of the students were playing basketball.-->持續的動作
All of the students had fun playing basketball.


2009-06-19 11:27:11 補充:
Then would you please explain why we put -ing after enjoy and have fun?

Cambridge University Press/ Grammar In Use/ rIntermediate U53

"Often we use -ing for an action that happens before the first verb or at the same time."

2009-06-19 11:28:38 補充:
"So you denying doing sth after you do it."

They denied stealing the money

2009-06-19 11:29:22 補充:
"you enjoy doing sth while you do it"

I enjoy going out.

2009-06-19 11:33:42 補充:
While I am going out, I enjoy.
I enjoy while I am going out.

Cambridge University Press/ Grammar In Use/ rIntermediate U65

"You also use -ing after while or when"

Jim hurt his arm while playing tennis.
= Jim hurt his arm playing tennis.

2009-06-19 11:36:07 補充:
So "I enjoy while I am going out."
= I enjoy going out.

So"All of the students had fun while playing basketball."
= All of the students had fun playing basketball.
參考: above 15 years teaching experience
2009-06-19 6:57 pm
這只是動名詞 當 have fun (in) 的受詞而已

請參考: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/hillman/5629124
2009-06-19 9:43 am
C. had , playing
had 若當使役動詞 是 讓,使 ....的意思 ,had fun 是個片語 意思是 玩的很開心, 並非使役動詞 , had fun 後面動詞一定要V-ing
2009-06-19 9:31 am
C.had, playing
參考: Me. Have been living in Canada for 16 years

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