Do we have the power to create?

2009-06-18 1:54 pm
I remember arguing with a muslim friend regarding peoples ability to create and he insisted people cannot create, only modify existing materials but I contended that modifying film into a movie was more than mere material reorganization. It is intangible but still creation of ideas and emotion that would otherwise not be there. It would be cool to get a wider opinion of beliefs on this.

We mix the recipe ingredients for a baby but we didn't actually create them did we?

回答 (21)

2009-06-18 2:08 pm
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You were saying about men can 'create' while he denied it. He confused the word 'kholiq' in Arabic which oftenly translated as 'The Creator' which can be described only to God.

Arabic has more vocabularies than English. So we have problems to translate Arabic into English word to word directly like that as that could lead to confusion and even embarassment.

That should explain everything.
2009-06-18 2:00 pm
Depends on what you mean by "create".

The Law of the Conservation of Matter states that matter cannot be created or destroyed, only changed.

Some could argue whether an "idea" counts as a creation or not. Compare a book to a piece of wood, there is little difference (except for some minor chemical changes). Intangible changes are subjective thus it depends on what the person WANTS to believe
2009-06-18 1:59 pm
This would be a semantic quibble over the definition of the verb "to create".
2009-06-18 2:01 pm
We're working on it....

Abiogenesis, I think, will be a VERY interesting field in 30 years.

Don't you think it's funny that we must take responsibility for someone eating a fruit 6000 years old, but we cannot consider our accomplishments, charity, morality, and "spirituality" our own?
2009-06-18 2:00 pm
I think you could most definitely class ideas as creativity

Matter can neither be created or destroyed, so we can't magic anything new into being, but ideas change the world around us
2009-06-18 1:59 pm
ever heard of babies?
2009-06-18 2:00 pm
Creation starts in the mind. I think you are right. But I can also see what your friend was trying to say.
Your friend was speaking of a physical item, you were speaking of non-physical.
2009-06-18 2:00 pm
Create me this peanut butter jelly time....
2009-06-18 2:00 pm
human can create, he is made in the resemblance of God.
however all that they create comes from God ingredients.
God created those ingredients of life.
But man does have the ability to create
2009-06-18 2:44 pm
Excellent question, I often ponder if what we do is significantly tied to stepping out of the realm of limitation to the realm of possibilities. Most of what we see in film is it not a reflection of the images we see or are unseen: thoughts heard and unheard. There is not a single movie that does not contain biblical entry or context. People are like why is that in the bible. It is because it is the very nature of humanity does not change, it is explicit understanding that God has understood us from the beginning of our existence. People think that there is no evolution but the evolution of man exist in the bible does it not when he is born again through the blood of Christ into the new man. We see a new man, with new deposit of faith working in his or her life.

What was completely dead, is now awakening to ideas, new emotions that would otherwise not be there but for the blood of Christ. Inside my imagination, I see Mary the Mother of God, she is always with me in a fire above my head even in my darkest hours. I have no way to make this tangible especially in the supermarket or when I am even in front of other people. It is something only one other person has seen. She was a clairvoyant woman who I worked with before I even accepted Christ. It is strange but I am not the seeing but believing this, and therefore, it has come into the being.

I think it sounds sort of yodaish, when the much older Luke looks over his shoulder to see his father, his fathers instructor, and his own Ben and even yoda is this not the transconfiguration moment that we see as Jesus is presented with Moses and Elijah by his side, great men of old who were taken up never to taste death as we know it. Yes, we are modifying materials but sometimes it just mere images that were already pre-existing, already created.
2009-06-18 2:13 pm
We can manipulate what has been created. Jesus proved this by speaking to the wind. He calmed the storm with his words, then turned and rebuked his disciples for not doing it.He spoke to a tree and it died. Then turned in Mark 11:22,23 and said something very relavent for those who have the spiritual guts to believe he knows what he is talking about. He sais" WHOSOEVER, shall speak to a mountain will move the mountain. We create our personal environments with words. Poor people always speak their poverty. Sick people will speak sickness, and to the degree they have faith in that sickness is the degree it will harm them.Faith people will speak the promises of God. We speak healing . Psalms 103:3 comes to mind. And to the degree we believe it, that will be how soon and fast we get rid of it.
2009-06-18 2:09 pm
I'm a silversmith.
I cannot create silver.
But you cannot eat soup with an ingot.
2009-06-18 2:08 pm
Yes, we create. Such as chaos.
2009-06-18 2:07 pm
Sure we do.
We created suffering and hate amongst our own kind.
2009-06-18 2:07 pm
Create ex nihlo (from nothing), no. Unless you consiter the blank page or canvas. I say we do create, but I can see your friends POV. It's really a question of what it is to create.
2009-06-18 2:05 pm
2009-06-18 2:04 pm
You and your Muslim friend are both right, what you have here is two separate arguments..

On one hand you can Create something that was never there in the natural world, this is an out right man made Creation

On the other hand you have whats already been Created in the natural world, like for instance (life), you cannot add or take away from this, anything that is natural man cannot create, it basically does it on its own via nature, that's Gods Creation not mans..
2009-06-18 2:04 pm
A movie isn't created from nothing whatsoever.

A watch isn't just organized materials either.

Ideas inspire us to create with what we have handy. Including the idea of creating something from materials that ables others to watch someone's ideas and emotions expressed on film.
2009-06-18 2:01 pm
Creating a baby where one did not exist before - we can do that.

Creating an idea where an idea did not exist before - we can do that.

I guess if the concept of creation is "something from nothing", then no, we can't do that. But it doesn't devalue the multitude of things we have made.
2009-06-18 2:01 pm
Creation is impossible.
Just re-organizing.
I could contend that turning film into a movie is just reorganization. Some good, some not so good.
2009-06-18 2:02 pm
There's a guy down the road, he creates Hell everytime he gets back from the bar.

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