Help girls only please =)?

2009-06-18 11:32 am
I like this boy and i think he likes me but hes got a girlfriend wich is my bestie , other day she was saying if any one liked him i would will them but im sceard hes gonna dump her for me ! even know he likes me and plus if i went out with him every one would hate me PLEASE HELP !!!

回答 (10)

2009-06-18 11:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
You shouldn't do it. You don't want to betray your best friend because she probably won't forgive you. There are so many other guys that you shouldn't take each one as the last. Let it go because you have an infinite number of others. Really.
2009-06-18 11:36 am
Why would you want to date your best friends boyfriend?
2009-06-18 11:46 am
ok literally, your bestie has found out that her bf has became distant with her. She realizes that something is going on between their relationship and she obviously does no want to break up wth her bf.

SO what you should do is


during this time, try not to hang out wth that guy bc as you said every1 would ha8 u. explain it to him. he GOT to understand or else he thinks ur not interested. tell him that you still like him and explain the barriers that's placed between you guys. dont mention about him infront of ur friend. try to avoid small actions that might rouse ur bff's attention on you stealing her bf.

remain distant for a while and if ur bff and her bf broke up. DON'T MISS THE CHANCE!
參考: myself
2009-06-18 11:43 am
Do not say yes. No matter how much you like him unless shes "okay" with it. And dont believe shes OK just cayuse she says so cause she might just want you to be happy but it'll hurt her feelings. Think about what yu're doing andd remember chicks before d*cks (=
2009-06-18 11:43 am
You could always wait till he is single (if that time ever occurs), leave it a bit, then see if you still like him. You could just want him because you can't have him.

If you like him when he's been single for a bit, go get him!
2009-06-18 11:41 am
Apoligize for ignoring your Title. A lot of people tend to run into this problem lol. It kind of determines if you want to keep your best friend or have a new boyfriend for a little while. Max of 3 months..probably pushin it there. If you do go out with him, your friend is just going to irritate the both of you which would be the cause of the relationship not workin out.

Hope you make the right choice. GL
2009-06-18 11:41 am
Follow your heart. Do whatever your heart tells you to. Don't listen to your brain. It's trying to confuse you. Don't let your brain confuse you. Follow your heart. If your heart tells you to date him then date him. If your heart tells you not to then don't. And no one will hate you. They will just be jealous of you because you will have the awesome boyfriend. Again Follow Your Heart!
Good luck
Hope I Helped
2009-06-18 11:40 am
were you just born yesterday or something??
the rule is "dont date your besties ex even if she says shes fine with it" you wud just end up being depressed and have no friends to go to if he broke up with you
2009-06-18 11:39 am
Don't you know the rule?
2009-06-18 11:38 am
What's more important?
Boys or friends?
if you DID get him to dump her for you, your friends probally WOULD hate you and you'd be known as ''the boyfriend stealing skank'' (not saying you're a skank.) And then what would happen if he cheated on you or broke up with you? you'd have no boyfriend and no friends.
i say just try get over him and keep your friends, hun.

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