
2009-06-19 6:26 am
我想要一些關於Academic qualifications ensure success in life的論點.
我是要反方的. 多謝大家.

回答 (1)

2009-06-19 8:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
樓主用中文問, 我就用中文答番啦. 呢個係一個value debate, 首先我假定你是Asian style parliamentary debate. 你既思考方向要視乎正方Government side會如何set up個case. 因為Government team 既prime minister係第一個發言,佢會做個case setup,將d term解釋清楚,有咩criterion,用咩標準去評個motion. 佢會點樣去interpret呢個motion. Academic qualifications非常直接,指既係學歷,但所謂既學歷會為生命帶來哪方面既成功, 亦係government team 去setup既,但更大的重點會係"success in life", 正方會如何解讀Success in life? 可以係金錢財富, 可以係社會地位, 亦可以係自我成就感, 生命既價值, 或對社會既貢獻等, 每一個point都可以係正反雙方既論點, 視乎你如何解讀.

如果Government team對success in life既解讀係財富, 佢話較高學歷會得到酬勞較高既工作, 反方既first speaker(Opposition Leader)可以首先attack佢既case setup, 指出我地唔應該將wealth作為success in life既指標, 可以指出較高酬勞既工作以及較低酬勞既工作同樣對社會作出貢獻,應該平等地得到尊重,並給出例子解釋(elaboration),亦可以打擊佢academic qualifications與success in life之間既link, 指出學歷並非令生命成功既唯一因素,記住解釋. 並提出其他相當值得考慮既作為success in life既其他指標例如自我認同感,自我既人生價值,或者家庭等,但記住你仍然要包括government team 個PM所提出既指標(wealth = success in life)黎debate.

Second speaker of opposition team(Deputy Opposition Leader)自然要反擊Deputy Prime Minister所講既野, 然後再提出新既argument, 進一步解釋下人類生命既價值, 並不在於Government team所提出既. 比如以下呢一段: Any human being should take interest in what you are living for. The biggest problem nowadays in the world of human beings, which can be seen (especially by the government team), is that most human beings do not try to know why they are living and what they should have to live for in their lives. We should see this is the result that human beings have abandoned themselves by greed and ignorance for a long time. Our life and the result of our life that we wish for is being ignored. 可以指出窮人比有錢人快樂的一些觀點, 當然要做下資料搜集及諗下d 例子, 再鋪排下你個structure.
whip speech就比較下兩邊既重點clash argument, question structure係whip speech度都幾有用, 你可以歸納為:
1. Whether or not academic qualifications is intertwined with success in life?
2. Whether or not the success in life be lied in .....
3. Whether or not the meaning of life should be heavily stressed on (正方提出的其他argument)? 以生命的價值來反擊

其實呢個motion 做反方相當多反擊點. 要羸應該唔難
參考: me

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