Inquiry 同 Enquiry 用法的分別?

2009-06-19 6:12 am
Inquiry 同 Enquiry 用法的分別?

回答 (5)

2009-06-20 12:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
Inquiry 和 Enquiry 的用法是有些少分別的,詳情請參考下列例子:
1. 詢問,打聽;質詢[C][U][(+about/into)]
Make your inquiries at the office. 請去辦公室詢問。
2. 調查[C][(+into)]
They held an inquiry into the incident. 他們對這一事件展開調查。
3. 探究,探索[U][C]
scientific inquiry 科學探索
4. 疑問;問題[C]
The bank clerk answered all my inquiries.
5. "inquiry agent"【英】【舊】私家偵探


1. 詢問;打聽[(+about)]
make enquiries of somebody about something 向某人詢問某事
2. 調查[(+into)]
An official enquiry into the incident was launched.官方對這一事件進行了調查。
After months of enquiry we finally discovered the truth.

2009-06-19 17:47:08 補充:
Inquiry 是 多了一些 解 釋 ( 意思 )

請留意第 3~5 的解釋

2009-06-26 10:53:48 補充:
根據 Longman Dictionary ( 朗文 字典 ) of Contemporary English

Enquiry and Inquiry are almost exactly the same.

但 Inquiry is more used for

a long serious study ( 詳細和精密的研究 ) :

an inquiry into the diseases caused by smoking.

因此 證明 002 的答案是正確的。
2016-10-14 7:27 pm
Inquired Vs Enquired
2009-06-28 2:00 pm
所謂不同的意見, 都只不過是參考不同字典所得出的不同理解.

根據大部份字典的記載, enquire and inquire係同一個字,而只係唔同串法.

在現代的用法, 己經當無分別, 但傳統上係有其分別.

2009-06-28 06:02:05 補充:

What is the distinction between enquire and inquire?

The traditional distinction between enquire and inquire is that enquire is to be used for general senses of 'ask' (一般性的查詢),

2009-06-28 06:03:21 補充:
while inquire is reserved for uses meaning 'make a formal investigation' (展開正式的調查).

In practice, however, enquire (and enquiry) is more common in British English

while inquire (and inquiry) is more common in US English,

2009-06-28 06:05:03 補充:
but otherwise there is little discernible distinction in the way the words are used.
之所以串法有分別, 相信係enquire仍然保留左一半拉丁文的串法

2009-06-28 06:05:14 補充:
c.1290, from O.Fr. enquerre, from V.L. *inquærere, from L. in- "into" + quærere "ask, seek" (see query). Respelled 14c. on L. model, but half-Latinized enquire still persists.
2009-06-25 9:13 pm
同意意見001 的結論:『001作答認為「同一個字,唔同串法,用法冇分別」,才是正確答案。』*1+0&dict=A


2009-06-26 13:35:57 補充:
意見001 和意見003都說根據 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English,但一個說兩字只是拼法不同,一個說“Inquiry is more used for....”。


舊版 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary 的確在 inquiry有USAGE說兩者有些微分別。但新版(我查的是2009版,未出雙語版)已刪除了這樣的內容。

我另外查過 MacMillan、Collins、Merriam Webster、Oxford,都是其中一字的說明是另一字的其他串法,而另一字的條目下沒有片隻字說兩字有絲毫分別。
2009-06-25 6:02 pm

根據權威的Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English,Enquiry的意思是:

(especially British English)another spelling of inquiry


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