✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫 =]
1) 如果你個predicted grade 係AAA呢, 都可以apply既, 因為佢個min. offeR係AAB, 而呢, 你都要睇埋你個ce/gcse既grade係點既, 因為英國既大學唔係好收 overseas, 所以suggest你可以apply, southampton, liverpool, manchester, cardiff呢一d 既大學, 唔好apply一d 咁top既, 因為試過有個fd, 佢apply得太好既大學了, 俾其他大學都reject哂, 所以呢一d 大學係會secure 一d, 有左個位, 好過去clearing 嘛...
2) 而因為medics 係睇重gcse/ce既都, 所以呢, 你係揀大學既時候, 你都要consider埋呢一樣架, 而睇下自己有冇考ielts tim 既..
3) 係英國讀medics, 有好有唔好, 聽人講, 係uk讀medics, 番hk 想做醫生, 係要考一個exam, 但係好難的, 所以要有定心理準備好了... 而呢, 好多時, 係英國會難入一d 啦, 因為overseas既quato 有限既... 而係hk讀既好處就係, 你可以會平一d, 因為係英國讀medics, 咁多年加埋, 真係要過200萬HKD呢... 而係hk就會好一d 了, 而好多時, 係hk, 係non-jupas 咁入, 如果你既ce係ok的話, 你既 chance都會大好多架 :D
希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的 =]
2009-06-18 22:00:00 補充:
but have to consider what subject is that, like which subject that u got for an A, my fd has a score of 25 in his CE, but still got rejected as his science is not that good..
2009-06-18 22:00:14 補充:
but have to consider what subject is that, like which subject that u got for an A, my fd has a score of 25 in his CE, but still got rejected as his science is not that good..