
2009-06-19 12:27 am


回答 (3)

2009-06-19 1:03 am
✔ 最佳答案

1.Squad - Fall in


2.Squad – Attent - ion


3.Squad - Stand at - Ease


4. Squad - Stand easy


5.Squad - Dressing, in three ranks, - Right dress


6.Squad - Dressing - Right dress


7. Squad - Eyes - Front


8.Squad - Open order - March


9.Squad - Close order - March


10.Squad - Move to the right in three - Right turn


11.Squad - Move to the left in three - Left turn


12.Squad - Move to the right - Right turn (Turn, In, Miss)


13. Squad - Move to the left - Left turn (Turn, In)


14.Squad - Squad will advance - About turn


15.Squad will retire - About turn


16.Squad will fall out - Fall out


17.Squad will dismiss - Dismiss


18. Squad - Inclining at the halt - Right in - Cline


19. Squad - Inclining at the halt - Left in - Cline


20. Squad - By the left - Quick march


21.Squad - By the right - Quick march


22.Squad - Halt


23.Squad - By the right - Eyes right


24.Squad - By the left - Eyes left


25.Squad - Move to the right in three - About turn


26.Squad - Move to the left in three - About turn


27.Squad - Quick mark time


28.Squad - By the front / right / left - Forward


29. Squad will forward - Forward


30. As you were


31. Squad - One / Two pace forward / step back march

2009-06-18 17:03:30 補充:
(一 / 二步向前 / 後)
2009-12-01 6:53 am
1.Squad - Fall in 係集隊

16.Squad will fall out - Fall out 的相反
2009-06-19 1:07 am
步操口令, 請參考以下網址非常詳盡http://hk.geocities.com/rsp_ns62/command.htm

收錄日期: 2021-05-02 10:35:09
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