
2009-06-18 8:03 pm

回答 (6)

2009-06-27 2:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
1:你應該check下自己個body temperature 睇下會唔會超過37.5'C or 99'F
2:如果超標,應 hurry up to 睇醫生, but 唔洗過度恐慌or afraid

自己take care 啦))
2009-06-28 4:09 am
Well, it is best to see a doctor, but I can give u some advice here.
The condition that you are suffering from are headache and Nausea for 5 days, and I can see that you are worried about having cancer.

Here are the causes of acute headache+nausea (for your reference):

Migraine 偏头痛(stress-related)
Tension headache (stress-related)
intracerebral infections e.g. meningitis
brain cancer
Subarachnoid haemorrhage( not very likely to last for 5 days)

There are more infromation that I need to differentiate what is the cause, and there are many more rarer conditions can also cause headache+vomiting/nausea, so it os best to see a doctor.

For your concern of cancer,
it is one of the cause of headache+vomiting/nausea,
you can ask following questions to yourself:

Any headache worse in the morning?
progressively increase pain over 5 days?
Any blurring of vision? Any paralysis, numbness sensation?
Any speech problem? hearing problem? Any imbalance when walking?
Any loss of weight?

The answer of yes will increase the risk of cancer. However I think the overall risk of cancer is not high as you are quite young(form 5) and the headche only last for 5 days up to now. If the headache increase in pain progressively, you should see a doctor! Also, stress is a common cause of your condition so try to relax yourself if you can.
2009-06-27 8:28 pm
參考: 自己經驗
2009-06-27 8:25 pm
2009-06-27 6:31 am
睇醫生la&放鬆d la
2009-06-18 8:08 pm
參考: ME

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