
2009-06-19 7:49 am

The victim is thought to have been killed with poison



The victim is thought to be killed with poison


意思不是說從以前持續到現在嗎 ?

可是有人可以從以前一直死持續到現在嗎 ?

先謝謝了 :]

回答 (3)

2009-06-19 6:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
【簡單式不定詞 vs. 完成式不定詞】

1) 簡單式不定詞,用以表示與述部動詞 同時 或 比較後發生 的事,述部動詞就是前面的 be thought(以為),下列表示先後關係。
be thought (較早) > = to be (同時 or 後發生)

述部動詞尚有: seem (似乎) appear (顯得) be said (據說) be supposed (認為) be believed (相信是) 均表示推測的語氣。

The victim is thought to be killed with poison.
這是屬於 "簡單式不定詞",照上述規則,be killed 遇害的動作與陳述者的認為動作同時甚至較後發生,那豈不是說受害者還沒被毒死;也就是說陳述者是有預言能力的先知囉。如果受害者已經遇害,那這句話就不合邏輯。

比較這句: He is thought to be rich. (表示他現在還是很有錢)

2) 完成式不定詞,用以表示比述部動詞 比較早發生 的事,述部動詞就是前面的 be thought(以為),下列表示先後關係。
be thought (較晚) > = to have been (較早發生)

The victim is thought to have been killed with poison
這是屬於 "完成式不定詞",同理,to have been killed 的動作較早發生,然後輪到陳述者推論,如此的時間順序才是合理的。


2009-06-19 10:33:58 補充:
be thought (較晚) < to have been (較早發生)
參考: 英文文法
2009-06-19 5:59 pm
這一類句型主要的動詞以 be+Ven 的被動式為主,後面接不定詞作為主詞補語.常見有 be expected , be believed
be said to VR 簡單式不定詞
be said to have Ven 完成式不定詞,表示have Ven動詞(動作)早就發生

The victim is thought to have been killed with poison.

The victim is thought to be killed with poison.
這位受害者被認為會被下毒 ... 猜測中??
The man is though to be killed with poison. sounds better
2009-06-19 9:49 am
Using present perfect tense is to emphasize the fact that the victim is killed by poison.

You are mixing up the concepts of present perfect tense and present perfect continuous tense.

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