What is the motivation behind atheists performing good deeds? Is it because man is good by nature?

2009-06-17 4:11 pm

回答 (32)

2009-06-17 4:14 pm
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(That's "You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours", for those of you in Rio Linda...)
2009-06-17 4:15 pm
Morality is a combination of our evolutionary heritage, acceptance of the social contract, and our upbringing.

Human beings are both hard-wired with a general inclination toward altruism and learn moral behavior as they mature to adulthood.
2009-06-17 4:16 pm
You don't need to believe in "god" to be a good person. Atheists understand this.
2009-06-17 4:15 pm
Cmon, athiests are human beings too. You know that right? Its human nature to do good or wrong.
2009-06-17 4:15 pm
i do good things because it's the right thing to do, not because i expect something in return...thats something a christian would do.
2009-06-17 4:16 pm
Yes we are kind towards others due to our nature. A social species has a better chance of surviving if its members help each other out.
2009-06-17 4:17 pm
i have an inherent longing to help others despite the fact that i don't believe in any god(s).
just because i don't believe in any god(s) doesn't mean i'm a heathen running around burning buildings to the ground.
i actually consider myself to have very good morals, & i honestly truly care about mankind.

your question implies that the reason you help others is due to either a) a fear of not doing so because of some form of godly punishment, or b) a desire for some sort of godly reward in return for your good deeds
rather than your own inherent goodness.
2009-06-17 4:15 pm
Good works are the whole foundation of Secular Humanism which is a movement of largely non-believers. I am a Christian, but with or without religion, many people feel motivated to relieve suffering where they see it.
2009-06-17 4:15 pm
Makes us feel good
2009-06-17 4:18 pm
you don't need a reason to be a good person.
2009-06-17 4:16 pm
they have to make up for all the evil deeds by the religious folk and balance things out for humanity
2009-06-17 4:16 pm
I agree with Rev.

If you look at quotes in the paper from people that help others in need, more than likely their quote is going to be something like "well, if this was happening to me, I'd want others to help me."
2009-06-17 4:22 pm
We also have a conscience.
2009-06-17 4:21 pm
I do it because I want to and view it to be the right thing to do. I also happen to like helping others.

Instead of doing it because god tells me to, or because I'm afraid of going to hell if I don't.
2009-06-17 4:19 pm
Most people do good deeds for 1 of 2 reasons. Either the reasonable expectation of receiving help in return if you should need it later, or for the regard of your peers. Even if you're not expecting a reward of any kind, people still do stuff like that for the feeling it gives them, which makes it at least a little bit selfish no matter how you frame it lol.
2009-06-17 4:23 pm
Can't you be good to someone just because it is the right thing to do? Being nice to others to make the world a better place isn't a difficult concept to grasp. It shouldn't take a God to make you understand that one. :-)

When I was Atheists, I was still polite to others. I still offered help to others if they asked for it. Atheism does not mean you are evil. It just means you don't believe that a god exists.
2009-06-17 4:23 pm
IF you have a good Heart ...it does not matter what you call yourself.

Karma can be good or bad
2009-06-17 4:23 pm
If you perform good deeds towards others, you will get the same back. I want the entirity of humankind (and all other living things) to be happy, in order to live in a safe and secure world.
2009-06-17 4:22 pm
Not being a douche.
2009-06-17 4:19 pm
They do good deeds because those are matters of the heart, in which we all are inclined to do from time to time....This reminds me of the saying that there is good in every last one of us; sometimes you have to DIG a little deeper to find goodness in people sometimes, but it is there....
2009-06-17 4:18 pm
"Do you love your Creator? Love your fellow beings first."
-Prophet Muhammad
2009-06-17 4:18 pm
I occasionally make an effort just to balance all the really nasty things I do most of the time. LOL
2009-06-17 4:14 pm
A desire for something in return
2009-06-17 4:32 pm
Atheists do not do good deeds, show the proof that they have done any.
2009-06-17 4:32 pm
I can speak for noone but myself. I enjoy helping people. Have you ever handed out blankets and pillows to people who have lot everything they own? Ever delivered food and water to an area destroyed by natural disaster? I have..and its one of the best feelings in the world. To know that you are making a difference in someones life for the better. Its a moving experience.
I think the most touching moment I experienced like this was working with Katrina victims. I made it a personal tasks to make sure that every child in the selter I was working had at least one toy. They were all so pleased, laughing and thanking me. There was one little girl...maybe 6 or 7..who I gave a stuffed horse to. She looked up at me, with the largest tears in her eyes, never saying a word and gave be the biggest hug, then held onto that toy like it was a lifeline. At that moment, I knew I was doing a good thing for people, making a difference.
參考: your friendly neighborhood pagan
2009-06-17 4:27 pm
We can't help it.

We are slaves to our memes.

Man is good by nature because societies of 'good' people have prospered, and societies of 'bad' people have faltered.

'Good' and 'bad' are what makes society prosper or falter. If, for some strange reason, human sacrifice made a society prosper, then human sacrifice would be considered 'good' behavior.
2009-06-17 4:17 pm
I think humans have a selfless nature and a selfish nature.... you have to have both to survive, but you have to have balance to live rightly.

I never thought this way until I read about this view from this site.... http://www.jewfaq.org/human.htm

It's a site about Judaism.... I'm not Jewish, but I think its the best understanding of human nature
2009-06-17 4:23 pm
Man is not good becuase of sin. No matter how good one may be, he/she is still not perfect.
2009-06-17 4:24 pm
MAN,good by nature??????You are kidding right?This surely must be a joke!

To answer your question,it might be reciprocity.An atheist will reciprocate the good deed done unto them,however don`t expect them to do good deeds for nothing in return....
2009-06-17 4:22 pm
"Good" atheists will have a place in heaven, whether they want to believe it or not. God understands intent, and if their intent is good, they will have a place in Heaven.
2009-06-17 4:21 pm
Hedging the bet.
2009-06-17 4:19 pm
Hitler was an atheist. Tony Blair is a Christain. Don't think it matters much what belief people have, they sure don't usually seem to be good by nature.

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