保而剋殺蟲噴霧(Biokill) 幾多號電話??

2009-06-18 6:05 am
我買左支保而剋殺蟲噴霧(Biokill insecticide), 想打去查詢下用吾用得係動物度(佢話人畜安全, 但又吾肯定),我打左樽身個電話, 但係個阿婆聽, 話我打錯.....咁有冇人知道保而剋BIOKILL 個查詢熱線??

回答 (2)

2009-06-21 5:01 am
✔ 最佳答案


香港香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道 6 至 8 號樂居工業大廈地下A舖及11樓


(852) 3575 2555


(852) 3575 2550


(852) 3575 2555


[email protected]


[email protected]

2009-06-22 5:17 pm
telephone no. is 35752555!!
I have encountered your situation too!!! They say they have changed the telephone number after moving into a new address, by somehow, the old telephone number was altered into residential no., that's why you called an old woman instead of a company!!

So the new info is as Derek's:

地址:香港香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道 6 至 8 號樂居工業大廈地下A舖及11樓
電話:(852) 3575 2555
傳真:(852) 3575 2550
熱線電話:(852) 3575 2555
電郵:[email protected]
出口查詢:[email protected]

2009-06-22 09:20:43 補充:
for your question....Biokill insecticide can be used for pets!!!
it is the same as Biocare!!!! due to hk law, they cant say it can spray on pets directly~~~
anyway....even ur pet or you by somehow taste or drink a bit, it will be no problem!!!

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