
2009-06-18 12:16 am
Do you free tomorrow / Are you free tomorrow

Do you understand / Are you understand

Which one is correct ? why?

Many Thanks!

回答 (6)

2009-06-18 1:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
你好,是的,Are you free tomorrow? 跟 Do you understand? 才是正确的,反而不是 Do you free tomorrow? 和 Are you understand? 是不对的。


1) "Are you free tomorrow?" ---> "Yes, I am free tomorrow."


2) "Will you be free tomorrow?" ---> "Yes, I will be free tomorrow."

不过,Are you free tomorrow? 是一般常用的口语用法如果跟 Will you be free tomorrow? 来相比。

3) "Do you understand?" ---> "No, I do not understand / I don't."

所以呢,以上的例子你可以明显地看到你用来开始发问的助词 (auxiliary verb) — do, have, will, can etc. 都是对方用来回答时有用到的。


希望能帮到你咯。。。: )
2009-06-18 1:49 am

2009-06-18 12:56 am
Are you free tomorrow
Do you understand
參考: myself
2009-06-18 12:19 am
1.Are you free tomorrow
2.Do you understand

are 是動詞,do 是助動詞。


1. Are are a boy?

You are a boy?

這兩句的 are 是動詞。

2. Do you understand? 放在句子的開頭,用作問句。

I do understand.

這句也可以寫成 I understand. 這個 understand 是作一般動詞用 。而 I do understand ,加上 do在 understand 之前是加強語氣,這個 do 就成了是助動詞,意為 [我絕對明白] 、[我當然明白] 。
2009-06-18 12:19 am
"Are you free tomorrow"
- > "free" is an adjective, use 'vert to be' in front of it.
"Do you understand"
-> "understand" is a verb, use "auxilary verb do" in question
參考: myself
2009-06-18 12:18 am
Are you free tomorrow and Do you understand is correct!
參考: Myself

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