
2009-06-17 11:39 pm
I want to ask what is bare infinitive,to infinitive and main verb?
can you give some examples because I am so confused with these three kind of verbs.

Is it the verb follow will/can/should is 'bare infinitive' and the verb follow to is 'to infinitive' or will/can/should all are bare infinitive?

thanks so much...!.!.!

回答 (3)

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Bare infinitive係指一d字後面既字要用最原本既版本,例:
I make you cry (cry係bare inf)
I want to cry. (cry係to-inf)
can,should,will之後既係bare inf, to之後既係to-inf
參考: 小弟愚見,僅供參考,如有錯誤,敬請原諒
2009-06-18 1:51 am

2009-06-18 1:04 am
Yes, 'to begin' with, English is confusing. 'To use' infinitives correctly you must 'memorize' many rules and exceptions!!! (Ok I'll 'try' 'to use' less infinitives.)

An infinitive of a verb is its basic form. For example, to do, does, did, and done are all sharing the same basic form "do"; therefore "do" is the infinitive.

A main verb is the verb that modifies the subject (of a sentence or a clause). Examples are: I EAT everyday. You PUSHED the food away. The food IS LYING on the floor.

To-infinitive and bare infinitive are not much different in meaning. As the names imply, to-infinitives are just infinitives with the preposition 'to'. However, there are rules that govern when to use which of the two.

Some important rules:
1. After most modal auxiliary verbs (will, can, should, may, etc), use bare infinitives.
Example: I can JUMP high. The train will ARRIVE late.

2. To-infinitive can be noun, adjective, or adverb.
Example: TO ERR is human. ('To err' is a to-infinitive and also a noun.)
Example: In order to succeed, you must be prepared. ('To succeed' is an adverb.)

3. To-infinitive often expresses intent or purpose.
Example: The boss's wife is the one to talk to.

4. To-infinitive can be used after many intransitive verbs.

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