Mr Cheung is going to have lunch in the restaurant at the clubhouse with (people from) the TV station. He would like to take pictures in the clubhouse after lunch.
After viewing some of the answers here, I feel like ::>_<::::!!!!!!!
張生今日與電視台( NOT HUMAN!!!)<--------Do you mean Mr. Cheung will have lunch with people from the television station?
Mr. Cheung will be having lunch with XXX from the television station
in the restaurant( one of the restaurants) inside the clubhouse.
He hopes that he will be able to take some photos in there right after the meal.
2009-06-29 12:03:28 補充:
Mr. Cheung will be having lunch with XXX from the television station
in the clubhouse restaurant. ( If there are more than one restaurant, do use the article "a". in a clubhouse restaurant.<------)
He hopes that he will be able to take some photos in there right after the meal.
2009-06-29 12:05:32 補充:
He hopes that he will be allowed to take some photos in there right after the meal.
(Maybe, some clubhouses do not allow guests to take photos on the premises.)
Mr Cheung is going to have a lunch with the crew from the TV station at the restautant in the clubhouse. Hopefully, some photos can be shot around after the lunch.