解夢, 請幫幫忙....

2009-06-17 4:15 pm
我而家係澳洲,O岩O岩讀完大學, 唔知返香港定留係度好,尋晚我發夢見到自己同澳洲藉O既男朋友生左個BB女, 仲帶埋佢返香港見朋友, 朋友生活過得好好, 係名店SHOPPING, 而我同男朋友同BB女就好唔開心, 我地行入間舖度時仲落緊雨。We just looked so poor and miserable, when my friends saw me they didnt appear to be very happy neither. So what's the implication of this dream? Does it say anything or i m just being paranoid and dream about what i ve been worrying ??

Please please please help, i ll appreciate it a lot.
Thank You

回答 (4)

2009-06-18 11:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
“Silver”is concerning about...
Whether you should leave or you should stay.
To leave such a loving place.
To stay in Australia with your homeland so far away.
How comes I know that it is“a loving place”?
It is your newly established family (boyfriend, baby daughter, & you). So great! This family framework stands for your future which is metaphorically made. From the threshold of your studying purpose to the visualization of your future, the networking & the relationship in Australia, to you, all are so intimate.
Further in your dream, after returning to HK, you knew that all you three were not happy. There, it rained, maybe even heavily. The consecution of scenarios did implicate. Everything happened in such a bad way.
Actually, your subconscious has well displayed.
Somehow, your feelings are always authentic and accurate. Where/What/When can make you so affectionate?
Why the paranoid (偏執狂的) emotion is not allowed to behave?
Apart from the dream, your own stance has explicitly explained. And yet, something that I ought to say. The people relate, ie. your boyfriend & your family. How do they appraise?
Not merely regarding your reluctance (of returning to HK), the point is how the situation has to estimate. (After all, to say, who has afforded you to be highly educated?)
To convey“Silver”a message, can you firstly make cautious inquiries to your boyfriend & your family? Let's see how they contemplate.
2009-06-18 10:30 pm
可能係正夢, I was once dreamt that I had a big fight with my close friend and after that we never talk again. When I dreamt about it I was still alright getting along with my friend in real life, thinking that it's impossible, but few months later it happened more or less like what I dreamt, nowwe seldom hang out already.

So please becareful when you are making big decision like this, it might be 'telling' you something, but also it might be just something that you are worrying about.

Just sharing, good luck.
2009-06-18 10:17 am
the case is you want to go back HK but you know is not a good choice for three of you as a family but at the same time you are not satisfy with existing Australia life,

the choice you need to make is boyfriend and in future good family or HK good job and honor and luxury life ,

you know you can be doing good in HK but you are not confident enough to manage love and career so paradox occur and dream

2009-06-17 9:36 pm
有興趣的話 免費算一下八

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