
2009-06-17 10:23 am
For Hillary to say to a state that she had no connection to, no history with, no previously demonstrated interest in--for her to say to a state whose greatest city she has used for seven years as her own personal cash machine, tying up traffic and inconveniencing millions as she trolls, relentlessly, for campaign money--for her to say to this place full of gifted residents that she deserves to be its senator is an act of such mad boomer selfishness and narcissism that even from the clintons it was a thing of utter and breathtaking gall.

1) 成段都唔明.....唔知有冇人可以幫手翻譯???
2)幾時可以係個句後面加個preposition..好似no connection TO, no history WITH, no previously demonstrated interest IN
3)for campaign money....
for her to say to a state whose...
for係呢度既解悉係咪 ===> 在.......方面<====呢???



多謝你既解答........ 其實第二個問題我問得唔係咁好....... e.g.where are you going TO???即係在問題的最後一個字用preposition..... 而係呢篇文章我地都可唔可以話 For Hillary to say to a state that she had no connection, no history, no previously demonstrated interest.... 我自己就唔係咁清楚分別..... 多謝你


thx a lot

回答 (2)

2009-06-17 8:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
這段文字是批評希拉里克林頓的, 她被委任為美國國務卿前是紐約州參議員.
從文字看來, 希拉里似乎在講話中提及紐約州, 可能是自詡政績,因此觸怒了不滿她的人. 作者故意連用一大堆帶有指摘性的用語來表逹他的不滿.
全文沒有出現"紐約"一詞, 而作者又連珠炮發地講希拉里"對不起"這個州的地方, 是翻譯的難點, 有多種處理方法, 以下是其中一種 :
美國有一個州, 和希拉里克林頓扯不上關係, 她的根不在這裡, 她對它從未表示關注. 這個州擁有世上最偉大的城市, 希拉里克林頓七年來當它是私人提款機, 不厭其煩地到處搞其競選籌款秀, 弄得全城車子堵個半死. 現在她竟言大言慚慚, 說自己是本州 "優秀州民的優秀參議員", 在在反映了她"嬰兒潮"一代人那種不知所謂的自私自戀心態. 克林頓夫婦臉皮之厚大家領教過, 但這回真箇是驚天動地.

2009-06-17 12:26:02 補充:
第二個問題不知怎樣答你, 當你表達的意思有需要時就要用PREPOISITION了, 沒有甚麼可以或不可以

show interest in (合起來意思是 "對.....有興趣")

has connection with (合起來意思是 "和.....有關係")

2009-06-17 12:32:44 補充:
for campaign money 的 for 是用來表達 "目的"

e.g., I work for money. 為錢而幹活

For her to say .... 的 for 是用來表達 "對.....來說"

e.g., For her to say she is a competent senator is an act of narcissism. 對她來說, 自稱為稱職的參議員只代表了她是自戀狂. (PS 含義--其他人自稱稱職未必不當, 但她這樣說就太過份)

2009-06-18 10:03:47 補充:
在你補充的例子裡, connection 後面的 to, history 後面的 in 不能省卻, 因為這裡名詞和PREPOSPTION 合起來才是一個完整的意思, 沒有PREP.便等於沒意義.

除非碰巧兩個動詞配搭的PREP 是一樣的, 可以省卻一個

He writes and talks about you. /在寫作和講話中都提到你
2009-06-18 2:13 am



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