If the Christian God appears before the atheists now, would they believe Him to be God? Or that's not enough?

2009-06-17 3:57 am
Like what further proofs they need to collect? Or what do they require God to do to prove Himself that He is the only God in the entire universe?

回答 (21)

2009-06-17 4:03 am
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Looking back to the time when I was an atheist I can honestly say there were many times that God was clearly at work in my life. But at the time I did not recognize God for who He was. For an atheist there is no proof that any person can give that will prove God's existence. They'll often say there is, but until God decides to open their eyes and soften their hearts they wouldn't recognize Him if He stood on their heads
2009-06-17 4:02 am
If the true God appeared in front of me, I would apologize for not believing.

If he is all knowing, he would understand my reasons for choosing not to believe.

However, we all know that won't happen.
2009-06-17 4:04 am
To show them he actually exists would be helpful... yes. Atheists are too smart to simply rely on 'faith', especailly when all modern science makes the bible look like a book of fairy tales.
2009-06-17 4:07 am
I would like the equations that reconcile general relativity with quantum mechanics.
2009-06-17 4:04 am
Yeah, I'd believe.
2009-06-17 4:01 am
that's enough.

2009-06-17 4:01 am
what's a 'god'?
2009-06-17 4:01 am
im pretty sure theyd believe

come on...you cant be that ignorant

2009-06-17 4:03 am
If one god can exist, then other gods can exist.

What if Odin shows up instead?
2009-06-17 4:02 am
If you really truly don't want to believe you wont believe no matter what proof is show before you. Its one of the Laws of the Universe.
2009-06-17 9:40 am
It is done unto a person as they believe

So God only is to a person what that person believes.

you believe what you do cause that was your choice. So it does everything you believe to appear real to you.

god to me is divine intelligence so I may have questions that get answered & that is my proof of God. If I need money I trust God will make sure I have it. That has happened recently in larger sums than every in my life. But it comes from me & my beliefs.

I have never heard anyone call God a Christian God. Jesus is not even Christian but Jewish.
2009-06-17 4:47 am
The deity described in the bible is not what i would call god. I couldn't worship it. I can forgive it for not being better than lesser men, but it would have to give up this hell thing. I might be able to be of assistance.
2009-06-17 4:25 am
For those who have faith, no explanation is necessary. For those without faith, no explanation will suffice.
2009-06-17 4:15 am
I cannot imagine an event or object that would convince me of God.

I cannot imagine an event or object that could not be fabricated by sufficiently advanced technology.

In other words, anyone or anything claiming to be God is probably trying to trick you with science.
2009-06-17 4:10 am
If the Hindu god or gods appear before you will you accept that Hinduism is the absolute truth? If the Muslim god appears before you will you accept that Islam is the absolute truth? The concept of god is not exclusive to Christianity. Atheism is a disbelief in any god. Thus Hindus cannot be atheist nor Muslims could be atheists. Thus you are wrong on that count.

I can also say this that if this so-called Christian god appears before Christians, almost 99% of them will not believe that that is god.
2009-06-17 4:08 am
Do you really know so little about what your Bible teaches? If it were accurate, there would be large amounts of undeniable evidence all over the world without out anything to contradict it. This is not the case, so asking if atheists would believe if God appeared, is like asking if you would need Santa to appear in his sleigh, rather than accepting the stories about him as truth.
2009-06-17 4:06 am
The invisible and the non-existent look very much alike. So I wouldn't hold my breath til he shows up.
參考: I am not just an atheist, but a total nonbeliever.
2009-06-17 4:01 am
i love you.
2009-06-17 4:05 am
Many Atheists have had this happened to them and usually they will hesitate later asking if that really just happened,but they always become Christian,from what I hear.
2009-06-17 4:02 am
If The Easter Bunny appears before the atheists now, would they believe Him to be God? Or that's not enough?
2009-06-17 4:02 am
I would ask to see his passport.......
And then i would ask him.....
What the hell is he thinking,letting everyone suffer.

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