Questions to Christian's against abortion....?

2009-06-16 4:51 pm
So is it ok to kill an abortion doctor in the name of God? Do you think it is highly hypocritical?

回答 (33)

2009-06-16 4:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It's more than just hypocritical, it's evil. Thou shall not kill is very easy to understand. The man who killed the doctor disregarded one of the Ten Commandments to do what he thought God would want him to do. God punishes people in His own time. People are never to take it upon themselves to be the hand of God.
2009-06-16 4:54 pm
no we never said that.
2009-06-16 4:54 pm
no it is not ok

What is your point?
2009-06-16 4:55 pm
It is not OK to murder an abortion doctor.
參考: 43+ years following a Jewish Carpenter & studying His Book!
2009-06-16 4:55 pm
No, it is not ok to murder a doctor or anyone else. Hope that helps you.
2009-06-16 4:55 pm
2009-06-16 4:55 pm
Killing is wrong whether is a baby or her killer.
參考: I abhor war and capital punishment as well.
2009-06-16 4:56 pm
Who is this great leader of the Christians that has authorized himself to speak on behalf of Christianity as a whole? Oh, my bad- just another retard trying to make it look that way. Thanks for your input, you're dismissed.
2009-06-16 4:56 pm
I do not think it is ok. Not the same at all. If I am against abortion, I am against murder. Therefore I would not murder an abortion doctor.
2009-06-16 4:56 pm
No, it is not okay to kill an abortion doctor. Period. And, yes, it is highly hypocritical to commit murder to further your message of respecting all human life.
2009-06-16 4:55 pm
It is very hypocritical. God doesn't approve of any murder whatsoever. People who kill in the name of God are in for a big surprise when the day of judgement comes.
2009-06-16 4:57 pm
No its not ok.

Some people, even professing Christians, can be misguided.


2009-06-16 4:55 pm
You reap what you sow.
2009-06-16 4:57 pm
So he represents all Christians? So all Christians are bad?
So he represents men? So all Men are bad?
So he represents the elderly? All Elderly are bad?

Just because someone is against abortion doesn't mean they believe in murder.

Just because someone who claims to be a Christian and kills someone that doesn't mean all Christians are killers.

Never judge a philosophy based upon the misapplication of its tenants.
2009-06-16 4:56 pm
Of course it is wrong!2 wrongs do not make a right!Let God be the judge!
2009-06-16 5:00 pm
its very foolish of you to assume that we think its "ok" to murder ANYONE.
2009-06-16 4:58 pm
it's not ok to kill any human being, period

thus the whole hypocritical idea doesn't apply
2009-06-16 4:59 pm
No one has the right to decide if someone else should live or die.
That includes Doctors and Christians.
2009-06-16 5:00 pm
Well, I'm not Christian, but I'm pro-life, and I absolutely oppose murdering abortion doctors. Vigilante justice doesn't do a good job of persuading people to agree with you.
2009-06-16 4:59 pm
I am NOT a Christian, and I am against abortions and killing abortion doctors.

Murder is wrong, period, and it has nothing to do with god or religion.
2009-06-16 4:58 pm
No murder is wrong. That dude wasn't a real Christian because he MURDERED
2009-06-16 5:01 pm
I am grieved to hear you think it is okay to kill an abortion doctor.
2009-06-16 5:00 pm
Of course it isn't! What do you think pro-LIFE means???
2009-06-16 5:03 pm
Do you think it is highly unreasonable to condemn the entire Christian community for the ruthless act of one insane individual? Low class.
2009-06-16 4:59 pm
I have not read any where that Dr. Tiller was killed in the name of God.
Dr. Tiller was a murderer and so is the man who killed Dr. Tiller. Both men were wrong and as a Christian I do not condone the actions of either man.

BTW this is only about the 200th question regarding this matter.
2009-06-16 5:02 pm
I don't think it is ok to murder any one. We are to follow civil laws.

According to the book of Luke, chapter 1, in the Bible the spirit of a person enters the body at conception.
Think about it...

Luk 1:31 And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.

In the same day Mary ran to her cousin's house...

Luk 1:41 And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost:

John was in the womb of Elisabeth and he felt the Holy Spirit in Mary.

In other words... the Holy Spirit had already enter Christ at conception.
2009-06-16 5:01 pm
So why is it okay that god caused a universal flood that caused hundreds of thousands of abortions? And why is killing an unborn child by accident in the bible only a fine while killing the woman is the death penalty? And why does god tell people to smash babys on rocks and rip open pregnate women? And why does he kill the firstborn sons of egypt?

Someone hasn't been reading their bibbbles.
2009-06-16 5:00 pm
I se what you are saying. there has been those crazy christians that bomb clinics. I agree
2009-06-16 8:09 pm
I don't think it's murder at any point to be honest. You can't be "murdered" until you've been born. A murder is an unlawful killing since abortion is legal it cannot be murder.
That being said the murder <unlawful killing> of Dr. Tiller was a tragedy and it was highly hypocritical.
2009-06-16 5:00 pm
Of course its not okay... This is my blog response to that crap that happened with Dr. Tiller.
2009-06-16 5:02 pm
Yes it is ,killing is killing Also if you go to war that's killing. The bible does say to love your neighbor and when you do that you don't hurt anyone
God made all of us in his image and that means we are bestowed with qualities like love, mercy and we can display the fruitage of the spirit.
really i am so glad I studied the bible with Jehovah's Witnesses and
learned the truth from the bible. it is really very simple.
God does forgive us though if we make a mistake and it is He that can judge us because he reads hearts
Matthew 22:37-39. “‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. The second, like it, is this, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’”
Those are Jesus Christs words and he is the son of God Being Christian means to be Christ like and follow in Jesus footsteps
How many people do you see doing this today?
參考: go to please check out the web site
2009-06-16 4:58 pm
No, because that wouldn't just be killing, that would be murder because it would be an act of revenge. Of course we shouldn't bomb abortion clinics! What are we, Muslims? lol

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