Why do atheists spend so much time and energy in arguing that there isn't really a God?

2009-06-16 4:07 pm
So, are atheists afraid that they are wrong so they seek some sort of a sense of security by continuing arguing with Christians?

回答 (23)

2009-06-16 4:15 pm
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As a Christian I must ask you a question. Why do Christians spend so much time and energy in arguing that there is really a God?
I understand what you are saying but we do this too, only from our perspective.
The same rules apply to both sides of the equation. It is best to look within first before casting the stone.
They do not believe, we do. They would like us to agree with them. We would like them to agree with us.
2009-06-16 11:11 pm
The same reason Christians try to convert us.

I care deeply about them, and want them to live their lives, free of scare tactics, and fairy tales.
2009-06-16 11:11 pm
Because Christians try to force their beliefs into the public education system
2009-06-16 11:11 pm
That's it, so are you going to stop asking about it?

I feel so lonely without telling people God doesn't exist...*sob*

2009-06-16 11:17 pm
Why do Christians spend so much time and energy arguing that there is really a God?

So, are Christians afraid that they are wrong so they seek some sort of a sense of security by continuing arguing with atheists?


Works both ways, sweetheart. If you're so sure of yourself, don't engage in debate with us. I, for one, enjoy an intelligent debate. Although it doesn't look like I'm going to find that here...*moves on to next question*
2009-06-16 11:11 pm
Why do Christians spend so much time and energy in arguing that there IS really a God?
參考: IMHO
2009-06-16 11:22 pm

"The same reason Christians try to convert us.

I care deeply about them, and want them to live their lives, free of scare tactics, and fairy tales."
2009-06-16 11:17 pm
Atheists don't just argue with Christians - they argue with Jews, Hindus, Muslims, etc. Christians seem to think they have a monopoly on a god belief - they are mistaken.

btw: I'm not an atheist, but I'm not a Christian either.
2009-06-16 11:16 pm
Other folks have beat me to it, but I repeat: Why do so many Christians insist there is a god and that a guy who lived 2,000 years ago "died for them" but he still loves us (which makes him a vampire or a zombie, I guess). I'm not seeking a sense of security, I'm just trying to save you guys a little energy so you stop trying to convince me there's a god. Because I'm not convinced, I probably never will be, and even if there is a god/are gods, how do you know you're worshiping the right one?

So knock it off. Please.
參考: Agnostic.
2009-06-16 11:13 pm
Because they feel just as passionately about their beliefs as anyone else would about theirs. I've heard arguments from Athiests, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Agnostics, etc. etc. That's just how people are. Sometimes when someone sees the world in a certain way, they feel they must tell others that their way of viewing or doing things is right, either out of fear or frustration.
參考: Studier of various religions and philosophies.
2009-06-16 11:12 pm
Why do Xians spend so much time and energy in arguing that there is really a God?
So, are Xians afraid that they are wrong so they seek some sort of a sense of security by continuing arguing with atheists?
2009-06-16 11:12 pm
For the same reason that Theists spend so much time and energy in arguing that there really is a God.

They want other people to agree with them.
2009-06-16 11:11 pm
It's a vicious cycle. How many Christians really think they are going to convert Atheist with all their ranting. It goes both ways dear, don't just try to play the oh so popular Christian Victim card, it wont work
參考: Agnostic Atheist -- I don't know, but I don't believe
2009-06-16 11:11 pm

I have a vested interest in ensuring that people are at least aware that following a religion (not just yours) is not the only way to live life. I don't want society, education and science to be damaged by people who can't grasp reality. I don't want humanity's progress to be hampered by superstition. I don't want kids terrified by bloodthirsty myths and constant guilt.

That's why I'm an atheist here on R&S

That, and it's fun to get a rise out of the fundies.
2009-06-16 11:55 pm
cant say i do do that ray
why do so ma y christians speand so much time aruging with atheists that there is a god?
ae they afraid that they are wrong....etc etc, blah blah
all the same
2009-06-16 11:20 pm
There are too many people out there trying to recruit people into religion. Some people are getting rather sick of it. That is one reason why organized religion is getting such a bad name.

Here is a twist to your line of reasoning. Lets say that you met a person who desperately believed in the flying spaghetti monster. All this person talks about is the FSM. The person also wants everyone else to worship the FSM. You are in a position where you work with the person or live with the person or are related to the person and you cannot just ignore the person. You have to hear it and hear it and hear it.

Do you:
A. Keep ignoring the person and just be happy the person has a belief.
B. Do you confront the person about their belief.
C. Do you convert.

I am guessing you will go for B. Does this mean that you are afraid the FSM exists?

Now try this exercise again, but for different belief systems and gods.
2009-06-16 11:20 pm
I don't see anything to argue over with there being no supporting evidence for the claim of god.
2009-06-16 11:13 pm
are Christians afraid that they are wrong so they continue arguing with the atheists?
參考: Goes both ways
2009-06-16 11:12 pm
They spend as much time on it as christians do arguing that there is a god. So do christians argue about it so much cause they don't want to be proved wrong?
2009-06-16 11:15 pm
Who's arguing? There isn't any God as far as I'm concerned so why bother arguing about it? Do you see me arguing? I don't mind if other people want to waste their time worshipping something that isn't there. Who is arguing, my friend? Have a nice day!
2009-06-16 11:12 pm
i really don't see "god" as a possibility
2009-06-16 11:12 pm
Why do you spend so much time asking stupid questions
2009-06-16 11:11 pm
Because it's fun, and I don't have anything better to spend time and energy on.

I'm more of a fan of critical thinking than just "arguing that there isn't a God."

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