
2009-06-17 4:08 am
不管路有多難走 我都堅強地拼著

回答 (6)

2009-06-17 4:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
No matter how hard, how bad the situation is, I'll move on !
2009-06-17 11:40 pm
不管路有多難走 我都堅強地拼
I'll finish what I started no mtter how rough the journey ahead of me.

This is what the english speaking guys would say, not translated word by word.
參考: Self
2009-06-17 6:03 am
No matter how bad the situation is, I will not give up. I'll continue to strive till I reach my goals.
2009-06-17 5:54 am


2009-06-17 5:52 am
No matter how difficult it will be, I shall keep struggling.
2009-06-17 4:29 am
The pipeline does not have is difficult to walk I to spell strongly.

我係Yahoo! 聰明筆到找
參考: Yahoo! 聰明筆

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