英文說話 (急)!!!

2009-06-17 3:18 am
1. 高新技術產品理應是幫助我們的生活,但它們實際上浪費更多的時間。你是否同意或不同意?
2. 電子東西係比男孩,時尚的是女孩,您同意嗎?

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回答 (1)

2009-06-24 12:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 高新技術產品理應是幫助我們的生活,但它們實際上浪費更多的時間。你是否同意或不同意?

I agree that the Hi-Tech product waste us more time and really did not
make my life better. For example, I-phone is really a high tech product
and it should help us to communicate well with my family and friends.
However, the people spend many many time on knowing how to use it
by reading the guide book. After you know how to use it, you spend
most of the time to play the mini game, to watch the youtube video, to
browse the website even at the family and friends gathering time. I-phone
will kill you time and you really enjoy the I-phone with yourself only.
Suppose the iphone should help you communicate well with the people,
but it obviously become an obstacle to do it.

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