什麼叫做memo code及ISIN Number ?

2009-06-16 5:16 pm
什麼叫做memo code及ISIN Number ?\

在證券公司內的memo code及ISIN Number是什麼?

射貨 (SI 股票)的SI是什麼???

回答 (1)

2009-06-17 2:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
ISIN code (International Securities Identification Number) is 12 character number assigned by the local national numbering agency. It consist of 2 letter country code at the front followed by 9 character alphanumerical national security identifier and a check digit.

For example, 0001.HK Cheung Kong, the ISIN is HK0001000014

I've heard of Sedol, Common, WPK, Valeron, Sicovan, Bloomberg, Reuters, Lippor code but not memo code. Maybe you double check if this is the right name

Don't know what SI mean also, better if you check the real term and get back to me so that i can answer you on this.

Hope this help

參考: my experience

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