十萬超火急!!10分passtive voice

2009-06-16 9:39 am
passtive voice呢
咪is/are/was/were + pp嘅

咁can/could+be+ pp呢??
to talk about ability能力??
my brother`s computer can`t be fixed
The problem couldn`t be solved in time
若我改做 If I change>> is/are/was/were + pp?

又有咩分別?how different?
究竟幾時先用can/could+be+ pp??how??when??
~~@@ thx a lot

回答 (2)

2009-06-16 7:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你好,没错,is / are / was / were + past paticiple of a verb 都是被动式 (passive voice) 的结构来的,但不只这些而已,正如你写的 can / could / shall / should / will / would + be + past paticiple of a verb 都是被动式的结构。

还有其它的被动式结构,例如 has / have + been + past paticiple of a verb 或等等。不过,你也要留意有些 verb -ed 的结构也未必只是动词的过去分词 (past paticiple of a verb),它也可以是形容词 (adjective) 来的,要看你怎样子用它而已。

譬如,They have been married for two years. 在这里的 married 其实不是个动词的过去分词,而是个形容词来的,因此这不是一个被动式的句子,而是主动式 (active voice) 的句子。

My brother's computer can't be fixed. 就是在讲述着“我哥哥的电脑不能被修理好。”,就是在讲着那个能不能把那部电脑给修理好的能力咯。

The problem couldn't be solved in time. 就是在讲述着“那个问题不能及时被解决。”,在这里在用着 can 的过去式 — could,因为在讲述着过去的事物。

你也可以把它们改成 My brother's computer is / was not fixed. 或 The problem was not solved in time. 的,只是意思上跟上面原本的句子稍有不一样咯。

My brother's computer is not fixed. 在讲述着现在式的被动式 (Passive Simple Present Tense),也就是说“我哥哥没有被修理好。”,反而你用 was 的话,就是讲述着过去式的事物咯。

The problem was not solved in time. 在讲述着过去式的被动式 (Passive Simple Past Tense),也就是说“那个问题没有及时被解决。”咯。


也希望能帮到你咯。。。: )
2009-06-17 6:25 am



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