what football position should I play?

2009-06-15 7:59 pm
I'm going into 9th grade this coming fall. i wanna play defensive end. but my dad thinks i could be a good tightend. here are the positions i want to play: defensive end / line, tightend, a lil fullback maybe. i am about 5'6 176lbs, strong. what should i play

回答 (8)

2009-06-19 11:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
play both TE..DE
2009-06-16 6:18 am
2009-06-16 3:21 am
probably DE, or TE. but it's up to you. your not big enough to be a blocking FB
2009-06-16 3:16 am
your a little small for FB but but i think you could play TE OR DE really. my Opinion is that DE would be more fun but TE you will get the ball more.
2009-06-16 3:15 am
Well Biggus, Jacob was going to go to the coaches but the coaching staff was bangin your mom.
2009-06-16 3:11 am
You're too small for TE or DE. I breifly played TE at 6'3", 220, and got pushed around and eventually went to WR.

With the low center of gravity, FB is an option. If you have quick feet, RB might be fun, but if you simply want to hit guys, go for Safety. Play centerfield, line up and level a guy. It's a blast.
2009-06-16 3:09 am
ur fat so go on d-line and you can get some hits
2009-06-16 3:08 am
Im think you are pretty fast too if I was going to guess...For freshman football you would make a FANTASTIC DE and a good Linebacker you are a good size for fullback to so its really up to you...good luck with your season!

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