
2009-06-16 3:39 am
愈多愈好-V- 好緊急.吾該哂.,.,

SUCH AS 同意人/不同意人的說法.

回答 (2)

2009-06-16 4:44 am
✔ 最佳答案

Are we all ready to start?
All right, let's start.
Is everybody ready to begin?
Let's begin , shall we?
Okay, are we ready to begin?
Shall we start the discussion?


而結尾方面需分開兩部份,首先是結論,其次是結尾句(THE ENDING)

Finally , we all agree/think that....
Let's sum up what we've decide so far. we all agree that .....
Right, so far we've agreed on/decided on ....
Let's conclude what we've discussion ,we've agreed on ......
To sum up our discussion , we all agree that .....
若題目只是要求考生發表自己意見,則無需說"we all agree that "
可用 "Well, i think it's time to conclude our discussion."


That's all we have time for today.Thank you everyone.
I think we've coveres all the points for the topic.Thank you .
I don't think we have anything more to say.Let's finish the discussion.
That's the end of our discussion. Thank you.


一定不可用"I agree with you / i don't agree with you."


That's a good point.
I have the same idea with yours.
You read my mind !
I think it will work.
I support your opinion.
I'm strongly in favour of this.


I can see your points, but it may not be good because .....
I can see your points, but i'm afriad it may not work because......
I'm not sure if that'll work.
That argument doen't work in this case.
I doubt if that's a good choice/idea.
參考: S個人經驗之談。
2009-06-18 1:09 am
Let's get started!
Let's start our discussion!
Our topic is ........, I think that ........

I see your point. (it's not correct to say "I can see you point.)
I agree with you (avoid to use this as it's too common)
That's a good / great point!
I think you have mentioned a good idea!
I think what you have mentioned is practical (or other adjectives)

I am sorry but I have another idea.
I am not sure whether what you mentioned is practical enought?
Sorry, I can't agree with you because.....
Are you sure that.........?

Sometimes you may encounter candidates who dominated the discussion, then if you really want to interupt....
Try " Sorry to interupr, but I do think that........"

Invite other candidates:
Do you have any other ideas?
Do you agree with me?
What do you think?
What do you think about my idea?

In fact, try not to memorise difficult sentences, what you need to do during the exams would be try to make different sentences. Try not to repeat the same sentences too many times in just a few minutes' discussion. Simply a "I see you point" would do great.

For conclusion, it is not a must. If you group has gone smoothly, then let it go. Sometimes if you suddenly interupt and make a discussion, you may become a little awkward.
參考: my own experience

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