Re : ”回流香港工作”

2009-06-16 1:05 am
本人在香港一間貿易公司做會計,最近獲美國批移出居留權 (即綠卡). 並且會在七月初到美國移民局報到. 而我的公司在美國也有公司, 是總公司. 現在本人想問, 可否叫美國公司那邊, 批准本人, 當是回流香港的公司做會計? 可以這樣做嗎? 如果可以, 手續會是怎麼樣? 可是本人只打算到美國兩星期便返香港? 本人需要在美國那邊居留一段長時間嗎才返香港?

請熟識美國移民手續的人士回答這問題. 謝謝.

回答 (2)

2009-06-16 7:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
What you are suggesting make no difference on your side, but only to the employer. Bottom line, it make no impact to you at all.

First of all, you have to understand that working for American corporation can be a valid reason to present to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for maintaining your permanent residency without staying in the United States physically, providing you follow other obligation, such as tax.

However, all the time you spend outside the United States for residency consideration will be reset each time, when you leave the United States for more than 180 days.

The most important thing here is the perspective of your company. If you suggest this way, your company is required to pay tax based on the U.S. system, not Hong Kong. It will have no advantages to them at all.

What you should do is you should see if your employer can find you a job there. It will be more realistic way.

By the way, your Permanent Resident card (Green card) should be arrived within 3 months after your arrival, as well as your Social Security Card, to the address you have reported at the airport.

2009-06-16 6:43 pm
Mr. Ng
you are approved for the immigrant visa, not green card yet.
so first thing you have to land USA in July. they will stamp a seal called i-50 in your passport at airport, that is the proof of your green card and with the # on it. with that, you can leave USA even as early as next day.
you green card with mail to you within 6 months, normally.
but you should apply the social security card ( the tax # ) before you leave America.
about your work, you need to talk to your boss in HK to arrengage with the HQ in USA. if people in HQ okey. yes, you can. but i believe you have to report to the HQ first to fill out all the US employee paper works before you can go back HK to work.
if the company in HK really like you to stay, they will do that extra procedule for you.
otherwise, you still can go back HK to work but you need the i-135 re-entry premit and come back to US very 2 years. do it as vacation..?
also, you will delay your US citizenship application in the future.
參考: live in US over 30yrs

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