IN spite of(am i correct)?

2009-06-16 12:36 am
He did not pass the test evevn though he had prepared for it.
(USE ''in spite of'')
1.he did not pass the test in spite of his preparation for it.
2.he did not pass the test in spite of being prepared for it.

Both answer are correct?

回答 (3)

2009-06-16 2:12 am
✔ 最佳答案

He did not pass the test even though he had prepared for it.
这里用 even though 是比较有强调的语气的。

如果你用 in spite of 的话,它就像 despite 的用法。

1. He did not pass the test in spite of his preparation for it.
我不觉得这句子很好,反而还觉得有点怪怪的。也许你用的 his preparation for it 是对的,但是我就不会这样子写的。

2. He did not pass the test in spite of being prepared for it.
如果你用 being prepared for it 就代表那个男的被准备那个测试咯,那是被动式 (passive voice) 来的,所以你应该用。。。

He did not pass the test in spite of having prepared for it.


希望能帮到你咯。。。: )
2009-06-16 1:56 am
1 is correct
2 wrong grammar, being should not used here.
2009-06-16 1:11 am


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