
2009-06-15 10:57 pm
I want to ask what is bare infinitive and what is infinitive in a sentence.

e.g. I want to go to a library.
'want' is bare infinitive or infinitive?
'to go' is bare infinitive or infinitive?

in the exam paper..there is a question which I didn't know how to do it,,can you do it?

the question is rewrite the sentence

He is writing a magezine for school.He wants to get some experience.
(join two sentence and use an infinitive)

can you give some example to explain about the 'bare infinitive or infinitive' ?

some example like these,
I go swimming/I go to swim.
which is correct?

thanks for your helps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (4)

2009-06-15 11:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There are two forms of infinitive
1. "to infintive" -> "to" + "verb (root form of verb, ie the form of a verb which appears in present tense)
2. "bare infinitive" -> is used as the main verb after the dummy auxiliary verb do, or most modal auxiliary verbs (such as will, can, or should). So, "I will/do/can/etc. see it."
Your example -> I want to go to a library

want = main verb
to go = to infinitive
The answer to your question is..

He is writing a magezine for school to get some experience.

I go swimming/I go to swim.
both are correct. They come with different sentence structure.

"I go swimming" -> subject / verb / gerund
"I go to swim" -> subject / verb / to infinitive
2009-06-16 5:06 am
Infinitive is a non finite form of a verb.
There are two kinds of infinitives, to-infinitives and bare infinitives. Most infinitives are to- infinitives. We only use bare infinitives to describe the object of the verbs like "see', "hear", "feel", "let", "make", etc.
They want to go home. ('to go' is a to-infinitive. The main verb is want.)
They made her cry. ('cry' is a bare infinitive. The main verb is made.)

Infinitives cannot be the main verb of a clause or sentence.

He is writing a magezine for school to get some experience.
2009-06-16 1:44 am
'want' is bare infinitive
'to go' is with "to", is to infinitive
I go swimming/I go to swim.
both are correct.
bare infinitive: you can use it alone,
eg sleep, follow,want,go
To infinitive/infinitive:have to follow "to"
eg do,go
sometimes, same verbs can be used both infinitives
He wants to get some experience to write a magazine for school.

2009-06-15 17:47:53 補充:
He is writing a magazine for school to get some experience.(CORRECT)
2009-06-16 1:14 am



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