
2009-06-15 2:39 am

另外,有人話去英國讀2年al好白痴..因為waste $$ and time..應該讀1年foundation直升大學,,但自問自己唔係叻,,會考只expect自己有14分,,如果讀1年就升大學,,習慣唔泥..可能升到都只係好差既學校!!

希望大家可以比意見我,,因為我要盡快搞visa,,thank you

回答 (2)

2009-06-17 3:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]
1) 你可以上一上英國既濟臉度睇既, www.aqa.org.uk 入面有得search past paper, 咁就可以見到了.. 英國既文科都係要寫好多野架, 如果英文唔係太好的話, 咁要有高分都係難d既...
2) 咁又唔係既, 如果你係讀foundation 的話, 有好有唔好既, hk 既大學, 係唔會consider foundation course 既, 所以如果係想apply hk既大學,呢個呢就可能會難少少了...
3) 而foundation course 呢, 唔係好多大學有得讀既, 而又未必一定可以直升到, 所以呢讀gce a-lv 會好好多既...
4) 而呢, visa 果d呢, 都要有左學校既信先可以整到既, 所以要去就要快d 攪啦...
As there are some problems with my lap top, so i will just type that in english :) AL in uk will be easier than hk, but not as easy as u think.. some of my fds who did their CE in hk still found that hard for them... so hv tobe aware of this point.. and if u wanna apply a good job in the future, it is better for you to have a GCE A-Level rather than a foundation certificate :D
希望幫到你丫, 有d 咩可以再email我的 =]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]
2009-06-16 9:58 am
i am recently studying in UK,,,
AS level is definitely easier than the HKAL,,, however when it comes to A2 Level,,, it is not as easy as many hk people expected,,,
especially u r an art student,,, it must be hard for u as u cannot choose the science subjects which suppose to be easier,,,,, the art subjects which u r used to study, such as hist or lit, r no longer able for u to study as it is entirely different,, of coz u still can try... but it is so difficult....

it is not foolish to study Sixth form in UK,,, u can gain experiences and improve ur english,,, but normally hk people would group together,,, so choose the schl which doesnt have much hk people...
my HKCEE is 18 points, for an art student isnt reli gd as well,,,
but UK secondary schls dont reli care how many points u scored,, if u reli want to find a gd schl, the things u need are quick and money...
if u apply the school earlier and pay for the deposit, u can get a seat,,,

hope that i can hope u,,, ^^
參考: experience

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