✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]
1) 你可以上一上英國既濟臉度睇既,
www.aqa.org.uk 入面有得search past paper, 咁就可以見到了.. 英國既文科都係要寫好多野架, 如果英文唔係太好的話, 咁要有高分都係難d既...
2) 咁又唔係既, 如果你係讀foundation 的話, 有好有唔好既, hk 既大學, 係唔會consider foundation course 既, 所以如果係想apply hk既大學,呢個呢就可能會難少少了...
3) 而foundation course 呢, 唔係好多大學有得讀既, 而又未必一定可以直升到, 所以呢讀gce a-lv 會好好多既...
4) 而呢, visa 果d呢, 都要有左學校既信先可以整到既, 所以要去就要快d 攪啦...
As there are some problems with my lap top, so i will just type that in english :) AL in uk will be easier than hk, but not as easy as u think.. some of my fds who did their CE in hk still found that hard for them... so hv tobe aware of this point.. and if u wanna apply a good job in the future, it is better for you to have a GCE A-Level rather than a foundation certificate :D
希望幫到你丫, 有d 咩可以再email我的 =]