Physics Heat

2009-06-15 1:05 am
1) If we keep stirring a cup of hot coffee, do you think the coffee will heat up or not? Explain why.
2) A student thinks that heat always flow from a body with more internal energy to a body with less internal energy. Is he correct. Please explain.

回答 (2)

2009-06-15 1:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Heat always flows from a hotter body to a colder body. The coffee is hotter than the air in the surroundings. When the hot coffer is stirred, the input energy by stirring is less than the energy loss to the surroundings. Consequently, the hot coffer would be cooled down.

The statement is incorrect.

Heat always flows from a hotter substance to a colder substance. Therefore, the statement should be corrected as:
"Heat always flows from a body with more average internal energy per unit volume to a body with less average internal energy per unit volume."

Consider the case that a very small hotter body in contact with a very large colder body. Heat flows from the very small hotter body to the very large colder body due to their temperature. Think about that the very small hotter body has more average internal energy per unit volume, but has less amount of internal energy.
2009-06-17 2:57 am

Vivien Leung
* 多倫多大學工程系實習生
* 多年小組教學經驗
* 中學榮譽畢業(物理科畢業成績穫90分)


力學 (Mechanics)
* 直線運動 (Linear Motion)
* 力與運動 (Forces)
* 能量與功率 (Work and Power)
* 動量 (Momentum)

波動學 (Waves)
* 波的特性 (Wave Properties)
* 電磁波 (Electromagnetic Waves)
* 光學 (Optics)

熱學 (Waves)
* 溫度,熱與內能 (Heat and Internal Energy)
* 熱容量 (Heat Capacity)
* 傳播過程 (Transfer Process)


上述課程以小組授課,每組人數不超過 4 人。


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