英文功課~~小六 Grammar Practice!

2009-06-13 9:41 pm
小六 Grammar Practice p.31~32
take /takes /need /needs /spend /a long way /far away
A:How did you_____your summer holidays,John?

B:I stayed on my uncle's farm.

A:Is your uncle's farm very_____?

B:Yes,it's_____from here.

A:How long does it_____to get there?

B:It_____about an hour from my home to the farm.

Part 2

what /where /which /who

This is the place_____I spent my childhood.This is my grandma.She was the person_____brought me up.When I had problew and didn't know_____to do,she was always the one_____could give me good advice.Look!That's the tree_____I used to play on.

Part 3

Finish the sentences with SO or Neither .

A:I lived in the countryside when I was young.


A:To be honest,I didn't like country life very much.


A:I prefer city life to country life.



A:(Are / Do / Have)you interested in snakes?

B:No,(I don't / I'm not /I haven't )

A:(Do / Have / Are ) you frightened of them?

B:(I don't / I haven't /I'm not)afraid of them but(I haven't / I don't / I'm not)like them.

A:(Have / Are / Did )you know that our neighbour Mrs Brown passed away last week?

B:No,I didn't.I'm sorry to hear that.

A:Do you know how old she (is / was / were)when she died?

B:(I wasn't / I don't / I'm not )sure, but I thinkshe(is / was /will be )over eighty.
She(were / will be / was )a really nice lady.

Part 2
There is a mistake in each sentence.Circle the mistakes(只寫出錯既字) and write the correct sentences.

1.Kitty enjoys helps at the old people's home.

2.Sam did not not enter th singing contest.I did not too.

3.Washing the cars take Mr and Mrs Lee two hours.

4.I want neither pork or beef.I don't like meat.

5.Shall we go to the China or the USA for our holiday in December?


我就係番到屋企先唔識,點打比老師呀,老師都放工啦! 同學又冇空,補習,, 我又唔係完全抄答案,我做完先睇下各人D意見 我都用了D時間去打字架,已經有誠意


應該係: 2.Sam did not enter th singing contest.I did not too. _________________________________________. sorry

回答 (4)

2009-06-13 10:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
小六 Grammar Practice p.31~32
take /takes /need /needs /spend /a long way /far away
A:How did you_spend____your summer holidays,John?

B:I stayed on my uncle's farm.

A:Is your uncle's farm very__far away___?

B:Yes,it's_a long way____from here.

A:How long does it__take___to get there?

B:It__takes___about an hour from my home to the farm.

Part 2

what /where /which /who

This is the place_where____I spent my childhood.This is my grandma.She was the person_who____brought me up.When I had problew and didn't know_how___to do,she was always the one_who____could give me good advice.Look!That's the tree_which___I used to play on.

Part 3

Finish the sentences with SO or Neither .

A:I lived in the countryside when I was young.

B:___So did___I.

A:To be honest,I didn't like country life very much.


A:I prefer city life to country life.



A:(Are / Do / Have)you interested in snakes?

B:No,(I don't / I'm not /I haven't )

A:(Do / Have / Are ) you frightened of them?

B:(I don't / I haven't /I'm not)afraid of them but(I haven't / I don't / I'm not)like them.

A:(Have / Are / Did )you know that our neighbour Mrs Brown passed away last week?

B:No,I didn't.I'm sorry to hear that.

A:Do you know how old she (is / was / were)when she died?

B:(I wasn't / I don't / I'm not )sure, but I thinkshe(is / was /will be )over eighty.
She(were / will be / was )a really nice lady.

Part 2
There is a mistake in each sentence.Circle the mistakes(只寫出錯既字) and write the correct sentences.

1.Kitty enjoys helps at the old people's home.

2.Sam did not not enter th singing contest.I did not too.
______________omit not_____________________.

3.Washing the cars take Mr and Mrs Lee two hours.

4.I want neither pork or beef.I don't like meat.

5.Shall we go to the China or the USA for our holiday in December?
_________ omit the___________________________.

2009-06-13 10:02 pm
take /takes /need /needs /spend /a long way /far away
A:How did you spend your summer holidays ,John?

B:I stayed on my uncle's farm.

A:Is your uncle's farm very far away?

B:Yes,it's a long way from here.

A:How long does it take to get there?

B:It takes about an hour from my home to the farm.

Part 2

what /where /which /who

This is the place where I spent my childhood .This is my grandma .She was the person who brought me up .When I had problem and didn't know what to do ,she was always the one who could give me good advice .Look !That's the tree which I used to play on.

Part 3

Finish the sentences with SO or Neither .

A:I lived in the countryside when I was young.

B: So do I .

A:To be honest,I didn't like country life very much.

B: sor,吾識

A:I prefer city life to country life.

B: So do I .


A:Are you interested in snakes?

B:No, I'm not .

A: Are you frightened of them?

B: I'm not afraid of them but I don't like them.

A: Did you know that our neighbour Mrs Brown passed away last week?

B:No,I didn't.I'm sorry to hear that.

A:Do you know how old she was when she died?

B: I'm not sure, but I think she was over eighty.
She was a really nice lady.

Part 2
There is a mistake in each sentence.Circle the mistakes(只寫出錯既字) and write the correct sentences.

1.Kitty enjoys helps at the old people's home.

2.Sam did not not enter th singing contest.I did not too.
吾知想做乜 ,sor

3.Washing the cars take Mr and Mrs Lee two hours.

4.I want neither pork or beef.I don't like meat.

5.Shall we go to the China or the USA for our holiday in December?
the China嗰the
參考: me
2009-06-13 9:57 pm
幫你解答Part 1先,後面再幫你
A:Far away(遠離)
B:A long way(一個長途)
2009-06-13 9:46 pm

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