writing a leaflet about pets

2009-06-13 9:29 pm
writing a leaflet about pets(50-60words)

回答 (3)

2009-06-14 12:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) A leaflet about pets
Before you get a pet
Thinking about a rescue pet
Your pet - the early years
Your pet; his surroundings
Living with two pets
Thinking about your older pets
Games With Rules
Crating your pet
Separation Anxiety
Working with pet
School Projects About pet
Pet That Run Away
Toilet Training your pet
Pet that Dig
Settling Your Pet at Night
Pets are your friends – do not give up them!
(2) A leaflet about pets
Dear Sir or Madam:
When you are thinking of taking some exotic pets, think over and over. Please do not buy or adopt us writhing thinking. Although we are not more intelligent than you, we have feeling like you!
We wish you could treasure us if you brought us.
Yours faithfully,
All Pets
Think before you buy.
How to writing a pet leaflets?
1) Think of you main idea of it.
For example advising people how to choose a suitable pet for you, lecturing the irresponsible pet owners for abandoning pets unreasonably or remind people how to take care their pets etc.
2) Start writing.
In order to help people understand the leaflet easily, you can write a short poem about you idea above the things you want to say.
3) Think of a slogan like “if you drink, don’t drive” to help people remember the main topic of this leaflet.
For example, “Pets are your friends – do not give up them!” and “Think before you buy."

2009-06-13 16:17:23 補充:
typing mistake~
writhing= without !
參考: myself. I don't know can they help you...
2009-06-13 9:49 pm
My dog is called XXX. It is five months old and is a Miniature Schnauzer. It loves eating, sleeping and playing with me. It has grey short hair, and a little bit curly, which looks like a lovely doll.
參考: N/A
2009-06-13 9:40 pm



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