英文點講: 我唔係唔想幫你

2009-06-13 8:11 pm
英文點講: 我唔係唔想幫你

有兩個"唔", 唔知英文可以點表達. Thx!

回答 (8)

2009-06-13 8:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I do not think .... I can't help you即係可以幫;
I think I can't help you即係唔想幫,
最好用語氣表達 : I think I can help you, but..... 我想我能幫你, 但.....
2009-06-18 12:09 am
I really like to help, but.............
參考: Self
2009-06-14 4:14 am
It's not that I don't want to help you.
參考: myself
2009-06-13 9:41 pm


2009-06-13 9:17 pm
i'm not unwilling to help you.

參考: myself
2009-06-13 8:38 pm
I am not do not want to help you.
2009-06-13 8:22 pm
I would like to help you indeed.
參考: N/A
2009-06-13 8:18 pm
其實中文吾可以照譯番做英文架,好似呢句咁:Actually, I really want to help you but I ……(呢到講番嗰原因,就會清楚D喇)
參考: me

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