Is there such a thing as a baby being TOO active in the womb?

2009-06-12 5:09 pm
I guess what I mean is, are there any problems/defects associated with fetuses who are overly active? This is my first pregnancy, so I don't even know if my little girl is incredibly active or not, but I feel her ALL the time and have since I was 17 weeks. Now she's gotten stronger and I kid you not, I feel upwards of 40 solid kicks a day. I've never heard anything about too much activity being a problem, only that when you DON'T feel movement you should be worried. So I was just wondering how often you all feel your babies and if there's anything that mothers of extremely active babies should be worried about.

(I had an ultrasound 2 weeks ago and everything was perfect, but she was moving around a ton then too! She flipped completely over 3 times!)

I forgot to mention that I am currently 21 weeks.

回答 (7)

2009-06-12 5:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
No such thing as too much movement! The more your baby moves the better. Mine has been moving since about 4 months, and hasn't stopped since! I'm now 39 weeks and the baby does a lot of stretching and solid kicks, which sometimes doesn't feel so good! It's worse when the baby stretches out and pushes his/her head low in my pelvis.
參考: 39 weeks pregnant
2009-06-12 5:25 pm
LOL i was just thinking that same thing this morning ! well i'm actually 20 weeks tomorrow but i can feel my kid kickin ferociously after his daddy leaves for work at 3am [how cuuuute !] . & even now as i'm typing this he's really doin twists & turns in there ! i love feeling them tho , but i always feel them in my lower abdomen . my husband swears when he was laying on my hip that he felt something kick him . his head shot straight up & said - whoa . i think something just kicked me . lol (he hasn't felt the baby kicks yet so this was kinda scary for him)

well congrats on your pregnancy & i hope my lil guy doesnt move around as much during my ultrasound nxt week lol
2009-06-12 5:19 pm
It's very good for babys to be active.My mom thougt she was having twins once cuz the baby was so active.
2009-06-12 5:15 pm
Nope. My baby is extremely active too, to the point that getting a heartbeat takes forever because you get it for a minute and then it has to get hunted down again.
2009-06-12 5:15 pm
I have had the same thing with my son, only I had to have 4 ultrasounds just to measure him and make sure he had a 4 chamber heart and all that good stuff because he moved around so much. I'm 30 weeks and for some reason at 6am every day he seems to think that it's his kick boxing class in mommies tummy, so I know exactly what you mean!! My OBGYN told me that it's always better to have a super active baby than want that doesn't move to much. I haven't had any problems with his activity so I'd say you're fine.
2009-06-12 5:45 pm
Wait until you're in your third trimester and the baby starts to really stomp on your bladder and push on your ribs/diaphragm/lungs. I am 36 weeks now and my baby's been active since I could feel his movements. One of my ultrasounds took forever because he wouldn't stay still for the technician to measure him. I started charting his movements a month ago and there is definitely a sleep/wake pattern, at least he starts his tap dancing at 9am every morning and his kick boxing at 2am every night, and 11pm to 1am and 5am to 9am, that's the time I can sleep. As your baby runs out of room inside your belly, you'll be able to see the elbows and feet moving across your belly.

It's wonderful feeling and seeing your baby move inside you. If the movements are getting too strong and uncomfortable, I find exercising helps - walking, yoga and swimming. And soon you can "play" with your baby - whenever she kicks or punches you, talk to her, rub your tummy (or pat on whatever body part of hers that's sticking out) - these are all interactions you can have with her before she's born. Trust me, you'll get a response from her

Enjoy the moments.
2009-06-12 5:31 pm
No such thing as too active... enjoy the activity. Sometimes having a baby that is not active, is not really a good thing.

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