
2009-06-13 6:31 am
The Research and Breeding Center for Giant Pandas in Chengdu, the capital of southwestern China’s Sichuan Province, is offering a new line of panda-themed souvenirs made from the animals’ manure, Chengdu Daily reported. The center, home to some 60 giant pandas, has launched a program that enables it to recycle hundreds of tons of excrement from its residents annually into handicrafts, paper, and even bamboo carbon. The locally made handicrafts, which include puppets, fans, and brush pots and combine regional cultural features with images of China’s “national treasure,” have caught the eyes of many panda-loving tourists, the Daily reported.

The innovative souvenirs have created a new source of income for the center, which used to spend between 5,000 and 8,000 yuan (US$662–1059) a month treating the pandas’ waste. The products are officially titled “green handicrafts made from panda dung” because of their environmentally friendly features, and some even retain the smell of fresh bamboo, the giant panda’s major food source.

Panda excrement is typically odor-free, as the animals mainly eat various species of bamboo. Through a complicated 12-step process that includes sifting, crumbling, drying, and disinfecting the excrement and adding special ingredients, the center makes the manure suitable for crafting souvenirs. The fiber-rich manure can also be used to make paper that is perfect for traditional Chinese paintings, as well as to produce bamboo carbon that is used mainly for air and water purification.

The idea first came from a zoo in Thailand that recycled the waste from its pandas and elephants to make souvenirs for tourists. But the Chengdu panda center is the first organization in China that has developed such a business. It is said to be preparing a series of athletic-themed panda handicrafts for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

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2009-06-13 5:30 pm
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在研究和育種中心的大熊貓在成都,首都西南中國的四川省,是提供了一個全新系列的大熊貓為主題的紀念品,從動物的糞便,成都日報報導。該中心擁有約60只大熊貓,發起了一項計劃,使它能回收數百噸糞便從居民每年到手工藝品,造紙,甚至竹炭。在本地製造的手工藝品,其中包括木偶,風扇和刷壺,結合區域文化特色與形象的中國的“國寶” ,已經引起許多人看來大熊貓愛好的遊客,每日報告。

紀念品的創新創造了新的收入來源為中心,用花5000和8000元(約合662-1059 )一個月治療大熊貓廢物。產品正式名為“綠色手工藝品從大熊貓糞便” ,因為他們的環保設施,有的甚至保留氣味新鮮竹子,大熊貓的主要食物來源。


2009-06-13 7:12 am
大熊猫研究和繁殖的中心在成都,西南中國的四川省的首都,提供由肥料做的以熊貓主題的紀念品一條新的線,每日報告的成都。 中心,大约60個大熊猫的家,发动了使它年年回收数百噸從它的居民的屎入甚而工藝品,紙和竹碳的節目。 當地做的工藝品,包括木偶,與中國的「全國珍寶的圖像扇動和刷子罐並且結合地方人工地物」,吸引了許多喜愛熊貓的遊人,報告的日報的目光。

5,000和8,000元(US$662-1059)之間對待熊貓的一個月廢。 產品正式地題為「由熊貓糞做的綠色工藝品」由於他們不傷環境的特點,並且甚而一些保留新鮮的竹子的氣味,大熊猫的主要食物來源。

因為動物主要吃竹子的各種各樣的種類熊貓屎是典型地無味。 通过包括過濾,粉碎,烘乾和消毒屎和增加特別成份的一個複雜的12步過程,中心使肥料适用于製作紀念品。 富有纖維的肥料可能也被用于做對繁体中文繪畫是完善的,生產竹碳主要為空氣和水净化使用的紙。

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