我天日要presentation 幫幫手!!要英文!!20點

2009-06-11 10:06 pm
topic1:soprts day 大约講下job duties , arrangements同requirements

topic2:Mobile phone 大约講下functions,price,appearance

topic3:My Favourite Thing 大约講下why is it special? ,what?,where did you get it?

topic4:save energy at home 大约講下adjust brightness,electric appliances,air condition,water,lightings

一個topic只係一分鐘,so吾洗咁長,, thx!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

回答 (1)

2009-06-12 12:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
I can help you on only one question.
My favourite thing is my hand watch. Even it is not a new model or famous brand, but it is a special gift from my best friend. My best friend is my primary school classmate who sit next to me. We alway played and studied together. However, he/she has to study aboard last year with his/her parents. He/She gave this watch to me as a gift before he/she left. When I look at the watch, I can recall the sweet memory with him/her.

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