
2009-06-11 6:46 pm

「如果合約期滿的三個月前被聘員工沒有發出通知的話, 將會以之前合約的同樣條件, 續約一年。如以後沒有更改, 將繼續維持。」



回答 (7)

2009-06-11 7:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Should there is no notification to the employee three months before the employment contract expires, the contact will be renewed under the same conditions for one year. Unless there are subsequent changes, the renewal process will remain as per aforementioned.
參考: myself
2009-08-09 4:23 am
the "contact" will be renewed
====> the contract ^^
2009-06-14 12:01 am


2009-06-13 11:40 am
If the employee does not receive any notices before the 3 months contract expiration date, we will continue the contract with the same terms and conditions for a year. If there is no more changes, we will continue to maintain status quo.
2009-06-12 12:15 am
If the contract expired three months ago, recruits were not given notice, then the contract will be before the same conditions, one-year renewal. As there is no change to the future, will continue to maintain."
2009-06-11 7:07 pm
I am not sure of your company's human resource mechanism. There are a few places that need your further elaboration:

(1) "發出通知" should literally be translated into "issue notifications", but I have a question whether the staff will be extended their contracts, based on the condition that they issue notifications of leaving their jobs, or receive notifications of continuous employment. I incline towards the latter. Please clarify my doubts.

(2) "如以後沒有更改, 將繼續維持。" What is the subject, i.e. what will remain unchanged? It is better for you to clarify it in the Chinese text.

If I have more information from you, I may edit my version.


I tried to translate the lines in the following without contextual support:

Should staff receive no notification 3 months ahead of maturity of their contracts, the contracts will be renewed and extended for 1 more year, under the same terms and conditions as they were first agreed. The same practice should be observed if no change is to be made.
參考: personal experience
2009-06-11 7:00 pm
If the contract expired three months ago, recruits were not given notice, it will to the same conditions before the contract renewal for one year. There will be no more changes, such as, will continue to maintain.
參考: dictionary.com

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