is their anyway to repair this DESTROYED realtionship with my parents?

2009-06-11 7:42 am
my parents always had money.. but they never wanted me.. they have to younger boys.. always there for them...took them on vacations.. spend time with them.. went to their games.. told them they were smart.. cute..etc.. and they would just tell me.. im worthless nonone likes me.. etc.. when i was younger.. never did anything they did for me what they did for my brothers.. and for my freshman year they sent me to military school.. a quiet.. Innocent 8th grader for.. getting 2 D's.. they didnt call.. didn't write.. told me i wasn't wanted.. told me i was a delinquent.. i cried myself to sleep for weeks.. and now.. alot of time has gone by.. i am going to be a senior in H.S. and alot more has hap pend but im not gonna spill my life out.. on Y/A.. but when ever i come home they always tell me how better it is when im not there.. how they want me to go back to school so i dint ruin "their family"... im 16.. and i want to fix it.. before i go to college.. but there is SOOOOOO much damage.. soo much pain.. done.. is thier anything i can do to? i tried talking to them.. it doesn't work.. do i just give up? and let my brothers have them

回答 (7)

2009-06-11 8:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am a mom of two college students and I am really angry at your parents for making their child feel so low, clearly they've mentally abused you. I am sorry that you have to feel the way you do.
Now, I think what you have to do is to make something of yourself. Put all your energy into school, get the best grades, study, study study. I wish for you to become so damn successful that your brothers cannot measure up no matter what.
How your parents made you feel growing up is not your fault, your parents were ignorant in raising children, parents are supposed to love ALL of their children equally and unconditionally, they failed, not you.
Don't ever go through life with regrets, take this opportunity to show everyone how great you are and that your parents were WRONG.
Success is the best revenge in life.
2009-06-11 2:48 pm
Try to find some kind of counseling for your self to work on this painful situation.
If you become a parent, promise to do a better job with your kid(s).
參考: Rotten Parents
2009-06-15 2:51 am
Hey Zachy.....first off you need to know you didn't do anything wrong you need to know and believe that. what you need to do now is take all that pain and hurt and use that as your motivation...let that be that extra push to make you study harder do better in school. become the best student you can be.And also you should see a counselor get help so you don't bottle up all that hate and you learn to forgive your parents trust me i know how crazy and impossible that sounds but trust me it's possible....
Learn to be Happy with your self Love your self be confident in your self.
You are my Hero you have made it this far in life and are trying to figure out how to make it right I would have giving up i'm proud of you for push-in through it and still wanting to be close with your parents. Your going to go far in this world and you can help a lot of people. Keepdoingn what your doing anddon'tt lose hope
參考: Christian Teen
2009-06-12 6:19 am
No, I'm telling you right now, that giving up is NOT an option. Listen, no matter what the situation is, you can stilll fix it. You're parents should never let money get the best of them because money is just evil sionce it turns them away from family & friends. none of this is ur fault. First, of all, im really sorry about what happened. 2nd, im gonna try to help u out by giving u advice & help and tell u how to live, forgive & forget. Try talking to someone u trust..(obviously not immediate family), go ask for help from an extended family member, friend at school or a counselor. ur parents are just trying to make u feel worthless but dont give in. You're not. I was actually thinking of telling u to run away from home for a few weeks and then ull see how they will react: they will start searching for u but then start to ignore u all over again. Try to find time when ur bros are not home or when they are, get them to get ur parents attention and hand it to u. Go tell ur one of ur bros to come with u when u approach ur parents. talk to them and start off by saying "mom & dad, i know u really dont care about wat im gonna say but i just want u to give me a chance. just listen. i cant take it anymore, u hating me, picking my bros over me, making me feel worthless..etc. I cant take it. Ive tried to go on with myl life but i cant because i dont wnat to live a life with a broken relationship with my parents. I love you both, no matter how u treat me, wat u do and wat u say, because i honour u no matter what and i diont wnat this to affect our relationship. So, please can u give me a chance." if it doesnt help go talk to someone...

let me tell u something. i had recently read a book that i reccomend to anyone..its an amazing story and i reccomend u read it. u will feel alot better about life after this. The book(A child called it: One child's courage to survive--Dave Pelzer.) is about Dave's parents who abused him & who have been so rude and mean to him. They maded if feel so horrible and treadted them so badly, yet they praised his others siblings. For the longest of times, he didnt tell anyone and if someone asked his parent if they abused him, they would say no, and then beat him with sticks and force in to starve. Finally he confessed to his nurse at school who told the prinicpal and the teachers & cops found out. he was taken to a safer place. Anyway, i knwo u dont get abused and watev. but im just saying is that talk to someone because they can help..get sounseling and TRY TO TALK TO UR PARENTS. or if u want, leave note/letter to them right before u leave college telling them how much u love them and everything u thank them for.also tell them how in college u will always pray for them(well, if u do:P) and call them to see who they are well as ur bros also.

Anywya, good luck, zachy and i hope i helped..(btw, i know its long..sorry and the spelling mistakes are cuz i type really fast..)

2009-06-11 4:59 pm
Just know that there are plenty of us parents out there who would be very proud of you and wouldn't dream of treating you like that.

I don't have a clue why some ppl are so f*ed up that they take sh*t like that out on their kids.

Yes, the best thing for you to do is move forward with your life... see a therapist if possible, make as many supportive friends you can and even a few older friends who will care about you and help fill that void.
參考: Mom of 2 teens and former school teacher. Loved all my students equally.
2009-06-11 3:39 pm
Do you know why this occurred? When did this start happening?

Do not blame yourself though. I'm sure you are worthy, and it's just their loss for not appreciating you. Try to see a counselor and explain to them what you're going through. It'll at least make you feel better, as you don't "bottle it in". If you don't, it might result in depression or some kind of psychological issue.

You already tried talking to them, and it doesn't work. You can try a few more times and see if it helps. Or, if it still doesn't work, then you have tried your best.

But there must be a reason why they're acting this way, they might have put a blame on you for some kind of matter, and what you can do is just prove to them you are a person who deserve appreciation. Work hard in your studies, and do well. They will then have no right to call you such names as "useless". You can try to join more clubs, involve in communities, and do something that will make people admire.

Do hang on there, I'm sure you are a great guy and one day they will see that soon. But if they are causing some misery, they are the ones being wrong, and not you. Its not you that has the issue, is it them. They have failed to act as responsible parents, do not feel bad. Its their loss. And remember that.There are other things in the world will be appreciate you, and I'm sure that will happen soon. Just keep strong. Prove to them they are wrong for acting that way.

You can do it.
2009-06-11 2:53 pm
Really weird. I think you should see a counsellor, because either ways are so painful for you.

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